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Κυριακή 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Απεβίωσε ο "σπουδαίος - άγνωστος" Σκανδιναβός Ρεφλεξολόγος Karl Axel Lind

Στις 5 Σεπτεμβρίου απεβίωσε ειρηνικά στην Στοκχόλμη ο Σκανδιναβός Ρεφλεξολόγος Karl Axel Lind. Η συμβολή του ήταν μεγάλη στην εξέλιξη και διάδοση της Ρεφλεξολογίας κυρίως στις Σκανδιναβικές χώρες. Οι πληροφορίες για το έργο του είναι λιγοστές και περιορισμένες, οι κυριότεροι λόγοι ήταν επειδή 1ον υπήρξε ταπεινή προσωπικότητα και 2ον δεν επέτρεπε να δημοσιεύεται το έργο του στο διαδύκτυο πιθανόν για να μην "κλαπεί".

Η κυριότερη συμβολή του υπήρξε και πρόκληση για τους κλασσικούς Ρεφλεξολόγους διότι εισήγαγε την ιδέα της Ρεφλεξολογίας σώματος - Full Body Reflexology, δηλάδη ανακλαστικές απεικονίσεις του σώματος σε όλο το σώμα, π.χ. την κνήμη, πλάτη.

Είναι λυπηρό ότι δεν τιμούνται εν ζωή ούτε μετά θάνατον προσωπικότητες που πραγματικά έχουν συνεισφέρει στην Ρεφλεξολογία, η σημερινή ανάρτηση αποτελεί προσπάθεια απόδοσης ελαχίστου φόρου τιμής στην μνήμη και το πλούσιο έργο του  Karl Axel Lind.

Ακολουθεί κείμενο - αφιέρωμα (γραμμένο στα αγγλικά) από τον Φίνλανδο μαθητή του, Arve Fahlvik.
Ο Arve είναι γνωστός στους Έλληνες ρεφλεξολόγους διότι έχουν φιλοξενηθεί τα άρθρα του "Εισαγωγή στην Ολοκληρωμένη Σώμα-Ρεφλεξολογία - Full Body Reflexology " από το περιοδικό του ΣΕΡ, Εναρμόνιση, όπου μπορείτε και να τα διαβάσετε εδώ ή στα αγγλικά εδώ (6 μέρη).

Tribute by Arve Fahlvik

Karl Axel Lind is dead.

I do not know the details of the story of how Karl Axel ended up as a reflexologist, but it should be mentioned that he had a background in electrical engineering. I suppose it was his curiosity that led him into that path. This curiosity also influenced his work with reflexology. He was constantly looking to see connections between the phenomena he met on his way.

These phenomena were in many cases discovered by his friends and partners in Finland, Sweden and Norway. Many of these people were of course reflexologists, but he also had this kind of contact with other types of therapists.

Karl Axel although sat in the middle, like a spider, and collected, systematized and distributed information. Theories were formulated and followed, until they eventually were revealed as dead ends, and rejected. For those who have followed Karl Axel through a number of  years, it's exciting to look back at the maturation that has happened.

Karl Axel was a well-read man. Of course, he kept up to date with new research in medicine, but most inspiration he found in the writings of  ancient times. Mathematics, Philosophy, Mysticism from the countries around the Mediterranean were used as the basis for the development of reflexology.

So what is it that  made his contribution to reflexology so important?

Anne-Tora Hovland Svanes (right) and Siv Harestad (middle). They were two of the teachers in Norway teaching based on Karl's material and theory.
He discovered and mapped many systems throughout the body.This is in itself an important contribution, but by no means unique.That is, however, is his use of links between reflexological systems. When the  different systems were linked to qualitative and psychological characteristics it became brilliant.

Of course I do not know everyone who throughout history have contributed to the development of  reflexology, but a rough idea, I still claim that I have. In my opinion, Karl Axel contributed significantly, only surpassed by William FitzGerald and Yingqing Zhang.

Unfortunately the  knowledge of his work did not reach out into the world while he was alive.
We who teach reflexology based on the material from Karl Axel have our own approaches to this and it is obviously influenced by our experiences  and personality. I hope that in spite of these differences we can collaborate on the development of the subject. In fact, Karl Axel himself was the biggest obstacle to a wider  distribution of his work. It was about the ownership of knowledge.

Karl Axel also had his dark sides.Without it being necessary to elaborate on this, it is still an interesting paradox. He was the one who found the remedy in relation to this darkness, but he did not follow his own cure.

He dreamed of finding a small house by a lake where he could row out in his boat to fish.


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