Τετάρτη 29 Μαΐου 2013

The Roots of Reflexology By Christine Issel

Osteopathy's Connection to the Feet
An interesting point to consider in Chapman's work is that nowhere are the feet or hands involved as sites to be worked. However, we do know that sensory neurons are plentiful in the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. Joe Shelby Riley may have reached this same conclusion and adapted Chapman's concept, which he knew about through his own osteopathic training, to the feet and hands while coupling reflexes with Fitzgerald's work with zones. Riley's charts are the oldest that map the various "reflex" points on the feet. Riley's work was further refined, expanded and popularized by Ingham who worked as his assistant for several months during two successive winters in Florida prior to the publication of her first book.

With Chapman's concepts in mind, the palpation to the receptors on the feet may support much of the same principles. First, sensitivity in the soft tissue of the foot, [e.g., pain upon palpatory pressure] may affect the body as the fascia forms lesions and adversely affects biomechanical movement. Removal of articular lesions coupled with the hormonal activation triggering an endocrine response, stimulation to the circulatory and lymphatic systems, and all nervous systems makes reflexology a very powerful and holistic therapy. Additionally, the proper alignment of the joints in reflexognosy produces relief of tension to the segmental dysfunction of the dermatomes, resulting in the relaxation of muscular tension and nerves throughout the body. The reduction of pain results as normalization of receptor activity moves toward normal muscle tone. The relaxation process will reverberate up the spinal column and through the autonomic nerve ganglia to the organs and other parts of the body due to the close ties between the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

Ingham simplifies this in Stories the Feet Have Told by writing, "If any degree of tenderness is found in those reflexes in that part of the foot relative to the spine, then by applying this form of compression massage to that area you will relax the muscle tension surrounding that vertebra."11 In fact, the actual processes the practitioner has affected includes structural alignment, which produces reduced tension on the fascia that may result in improved circulation and pain reduction, improving overall health.

Read the whole article here.

Activity in the primary somatosensory cortex induced by reflexological stimulation is unaffected by pseudo-information: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

This is my 600th blog post! :D

Cannot think of a better topic to blog then this!

The God's are definetely on our side!

Read the WHOLE paper here. (thanks to Σοφία Ραυτοπούλου!)

Miura N, Akitsuki Y, Sekiguchi A, Kawashima R.



Reflexology is an alternative medical practice that produces beneficial effects by applying pressure to specific reflex areas. Our previous study suggested that reflexological stimulation induced cortical activation in somatosensory cortex corresponding to the stimulated reflex area; however, we could not rule out the possibility of a placebo effect resulting from instructions given during the experimental task. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate how reflexological stimulation of the reflex area is processed in the primary somatosensory cortex when correct and pseudo-information about the reflex area is provided. Furthermore, the laterality of activation to the reflexological stimulation was investigated.


Thirty-two healthy Japanese volunteers participated. The experiment followed a double-blind design. Half of the subjects received correct information, that the base of the second toe was the eye reflex area, and pseudo-information, that the base of the third toe was the shoulder reflex area. The other half of the subjects received the opposite information. fMRI time series data were acquired during reflexological stimulation to both feet. The experimenter stimulated each reflex area in accordance with an auditory cue. The fMRI data were analyzed using a conventional two-stage approach. The hemodynamic responses produced by the stimulation of each reflex area were assessed using a general linear model on an intra-subject basis, and a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance was performed on an intersubject basis to determine the effect of reflex area laterality and information accuracy.


Our results indicated that stimulation of the eye reflex area in either foot induced activity in the left middle postcentral gyrus, the area to which tactile sensation to the face projects, as well as in the postcentral gyrus contralateral foot representation area. This activity was not affected by pseudo information. The results also indicate that the relationship between the reflex area and the projection to the primary somatosensory cortex has a lateral pattern that differs from that of the actual somatotopical representation of the body.


These findings suggest that a robust relationship exists between neural processing of somatosensory percepts for reflexological stimulation and the tactile sensation of a specific reflex area.
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Κυριακή 26 Μαΐου 2013

Ρεφλεξολογία στο 1ο Φεστιβάλ Ευ Ζην

Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι,
Οι οργανωτές του 1ου Φεστιβάλ Ευ Ζην το οποίο οργανώνεται στο πλαίσιο της
Παγκόσµιας Ηµέρας Επιζώντων Καρκίνου (Κυριακή, 2 Iουνίου 2013, επικοινώνησαν με τον ΣΕΡ, και προσκαλούν όσα μέλη μας ενδιαφέρονται να προσφέρουν βιωματικό ενημερωτικό εργαστήρι στο 1ο Φεστιβάλ Ευ ζην.

Η διάρκεια του εργαστηρίου θα είναι σύντομη 30' και το θέμα του θα είναι "Ρεφλεξολογία για τον ογκολογικό ασθενή και φροντιστές υγείας".

Δηλώστε τη συμμετοχή σας στην Υπεύθυνη εκ μέρους του Σωματείου μας κα Μαρίνου Ξανθή τηλ. 6979554264 ή στο e-mail : xmarinou@gmail.com


Παρασκευή 24 Μαΐου 2013

RiEN member Swiss Association for Reflexology - SVFM

Did you know?
In Switzerland there is a 5km public barefoot park belonging to the city of Gonten. The marked route leads without much uphill or downhill through meadows and pastures, usually on a very pleasant grassy ground, sometimes on short sections of asphalt or gravel.

Member organization of RiEN is the Swiss Association for Reflexology - SVFM. You can get a small insight about them by visiting the members area on RiEN's website: http://www.reflexeurope.org/tiki-index.p...hp?page=User-ch-svfm

Or, visit their website here: http://www.fussreflexzonenmassage.ch/

Do "NOT" miss out - Visit their publications page and read/download the following two fantastic pdf files.
1. The Science behind deposits: what biopsies revealed. Dr. Jesus Manzanares (interesting images depicting the collection of tissue samples)
2. Reflexology Pilot Study on Cancer Patients in four Hospitals. Dr. Martine Faure Aldersons. (The protocol is described!!!)


We are part of the Reflexology in Europe Network, ...are you?

Obituary – Pirjo Södermann - Sweden

A fantastic woman has taking her last journey!

Pirjo was that kind of a person you simply liked.
A highly respected reflexologist, well known in Scandinavia, Europe and around the world, has taking her l...ast journey of life. As, for many other people in the world, Cancer became the challenge she couldn’t fight.

Pirjo started to work with reflexology in 1994. A few years later, at the International Council of reflexologist’s conference in London 1997, we were a group of reflexologists who talked about establishing a Nordic and European Reflexology Education and Research Group. Pirjo became the coordinator of the education group and I got the pleasure of coordination the research activities.
During many years she had lots of meetings with reflexologists from around the world. Working side by side, we had the pleasure of listen, learning and taking part of the task to making reflexology grow as a profession, for the benefit of the clients.

If there is a person to be mention in future history books regarding reflexology, its Pirjo.

Especially - her work - in The Swedish Association “KroppsteraputernasYrkesförbund” - and - The Nordic, as well as the European Reflexology Network” (NRN and RiEN).
She was a wonderful colleague working – among many other things - with the project “ Reflexology Clients in Sweden”. The results of the study that were published at the respected ICCMR research conference in Chengdu, China 2011.
Pirjo knew what she wanted. Regarding to her job, she often said to me: “Security, Quality and Seriousness are my cornerstones”.

No words can describe Pirjos personality. She was always smiling, full of life and energy - with a deep respect for other people. No matter which country or which culture a person came from, Pirjo was simply that kind of person that always will be a part of you, some way or another. I´ll thank her dearly by heart for every second we have had together! She will always be part of my life and many others as well. Honor to her memory.

Leila Eriksen.dk Research adviser NRN and RiEN
May the 17th 2013

Ars longa, vita brevis.

Ars longa, vita brevis.

On the 12th of May the Hellenic Association of Reflexologists held their 12th AGM. They took advantage of RiEN representatives being in Athens for their AGM, and invited some of them to present interesting topics.
Following, is the power point presentation of Heinrike Bergmans - Belgium.
Sarafijn® Maternity Reflexology. She will presenting her work at the upcoming ICR conference this September in S.Africa.

Enjoy a sneak peak here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVlpNXbfq60&feature=youtu.be
Following, are two powerpoint presentations of Arve Fahvlik - Norway.

Enjoy both of them.

Reflexology upside down

Crack the foot

Τρίτη 7 Μαΐου 2013

Nick Gallis και Βελονισμός

Σπουδαία βραδιά απόψε για τον αιώνιο Nick , ...και του αξίζουν και άλλες τιμές για τις χαρές και περηφάνια που μας γέμισε.

Το ξέρατε ότι ήταν λάτρης των εναλλακτικών θεραπείων και εμπιστευόταν τον βελονισμό όπως όλη η ομάδα του Άρη, με τις ευλογίες του Ιωαννίδη μάλιστα.

Κρίμα σήμερα να μην τιμούνται οι θεραπευτές στο βαθμό που τους αναλογεί...
Το βρήκα!!!
Εγώ με την ανάρτηση μου θα ευχαριστήσω και τον Nick και τον ιατρό-βελονιστή Κωσταντινίδη! Τιμή και δόξα σε όλους!
Διαβάστε ΌΛΟ το άρθρο εδώ http://akadimia.gr/paionia/paionia11/index.html