Σάββατο 26 Οκτωβρίου 2013

I now know for sure who to offer Reflexology too!

Many times I have read of examples where Reflexogists would offer sessions to politicians (New York and EU parliament, here and here) in order to inform them and possibly motivate them to proceed in actually taking action to regulate/legislate reflexology and integrate it into the exisiting health systems.

Yesterday I read this, Cypriot nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards alternative medicine 
I would like from you to focus on the results paragraph from the abstract!


Over 1/3 of our sample nurses reported that they had turned to some form of alternative treatment at some point in their lives in order to deal with a certain medical situation. Most of these nurses who reported some knowledge on specific alternative treatment methods, (75.9%) also reported using such methods within their clinical practice. The nurses who had received some form of alternative treatment reported using them more often in their clinical practice, in comparison to those who had never received such treatment (Mann–Whitney U = 1137, p = 0.006). The more frequently nurses used alternative treatment in their clinical practice, the more interested they got in expanding their knowledge on the subject (Pearson's r = 0.250, p = 0.006).

On top of that, I remembered the story of how Gwen Wyatt MSU College of Nursing was motivated to request a $3.1million grant from the National Institute of Health NIH for the project titled, “Reflexology: An Intervention for Advanced Breast Cancer.” which in the end had positive results for reflexology.

MSU Photography Services: Research &emdash; gwen_wyatt_03_ks


Unfortunately, for some reason Barbara Brower has "taken down" the story from her web page. Fortunately Reflexologist Karen Ball had blogged the story, here.

"It’s also the story of how the largest federally funded grant for reflexology was awarded.
In the early years of 2000, Dr. Gwen Wyatt, of the University of Michigan’s School of Nursing, suffered a severe break in one of her legs. She underwent months of western care that produced little results. Her next, and last, resort was a surgical procedure that was to implant screws and pins in her thigh bone.
Lucky for Dr. Wyatt, she met Barbara Brower, an experienced and confident reflexologist, who made her a promise she couldn’t refuse. Barbara proposed weekly reflexology sessions for four weeks, with a money-back guarantee if Dr. Wyatt did not see significant improvement in her condition.
Dr. Wyatt hobbled in on crutches; one leg and foot enveloped in a cast, and Barbara set to work. She worked the hand and arm on the casted side and the foot and lower leg on the other. And as they say, the rest is history.
Dr. Wyatt’s improvement was so marked, she chose to continue her reflexology sessions until full recovery was reached, and cancel the scheduled surgery. Dr. Wyatt’s interest in reflexology was so peaked that she wrote a grant application with the National Institutes of Health that resulted in this landmark study."

My Discussion
Those of us who are part of an "association board" or working groups for the promotion and legislation of Reflexology should be questioning right now,
"How much have we accomplished by knocking on these peoples (politicians) doors  ?".
"How much of the already done research was put forward by the initial actions of these reflexology boards?".

The answer to these questions is possibly "little to NONE!". 

(My) Bottom line is that "association boards" and working groups should possibly be directing their energy and resources towards informing patient groups, nurses and doctors. From the latter it seems that the GP's our are best choice!

A speculation!

Let us imagine this....

A doctor has been informed about Dr. Wyatt's, positive for Reflexology, research. A female patient with breast cancer confronts him/her, just because Wyatt's research produced positive results and he knows about it, does this imply that the doctor will actually recommend Reflexology compared to other modalities (surgery, chemo, drugs etc.)? No! It does not!

On the other hand, lets imagine the doctor does recommend Reflexology, does this now imply that the female patient will actually follow the doctors recommendation? Maybe yes, maybe no.

It follows, that in the case that the doctor did not recommend Reflexology, but that the female patient knows about this modality and the existing research, that it is possible that she will choose to utilize Reflexology.
The final decision is still up to the patient is it not?    
Politicians request from us positive research findings, and then they request proven cost effectiveness. Something that has not been mentioned/requested yet but will follow (possibly in an attempt to delay/postpone things even more) is safety. For those interested you might be like to read the discussion following, from Wyatt's research below.  

Health-Related Quality-of-Life Outcomes: A Reflexology Trial With Patients With Advanced-Stage Breast Cancer


In a systematic review of reflexology among patients with breast cancer, concluded that none of the studies reviewed had assessed or reported on safety and that those data must be noted in future studies. The current study was the first to have a data and safety monitoring committee, which quarterly reviewed the data for adverse events and incorporated a mechanism for reporting adverse events through a standardized session form. Among a vulnerable sample of women with advanced-stage breast cancer, no adverse events were reported. In addition, rates of reflexology and LFM session completion were high, which adds to the study’s feasibility and credibility; therefore, either can be used with confidence in future studies and practice, with consideration of routine precautions such as open sores and painful foot neuropathy.
Most of the efficacy findings of the current study were supported by prior literature, but depressive symptoms and anxiety were exceptions. Unlike other reflexology studies that reported improvements in emotional functioning and symptoms (; ; ; ), the current study’s findings did not support those prior results.


Integrating complementary and alternative medicine into medical intern teaching: Preliminary findings from an Australian Hospital


Globally, the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as a component of healthcare is well documented [1]. In Australia, despite escalating use of CAM [2], inclusion within medical curriculum is poorly developed. This study reports findings from a pilot-study of medical interns which examined whether the delivery of a CAM education session had impacted on their attitude, perceived knowledge and subsequent clinical practice. The results indicate that the participants' attitudes towards CAM education were positive, with 92% of participants considering it important for inclusion in junior doctor education. Post-session, participants also reported an acquisition of knowledge in relation to common interactions between CAM and conventional medical treatments and indicated a positive impact on subsequent clinical practice, specifically noting increased awareness of CAM enquiry in clinical practice. Results of this pilot study indicate that CAM and junior doctor education may have a positive impact on improving patient safety and management.

Reflexology in the dental chair

Reflexology in the dental chair

The practice I work in is known for its natural approach with patients, so for our patients to see me rubbing a patient’s foo...t is not completely out of the box for them. Instead of assisting the doctor, I actually perform Reflexology and Reiki during a dental procedure. Reflexology is a system of applying pressure and massage to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands, and head connected to every part of the body. The practice of Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy (Qi or Chi) into the patient by means of touch, activating the patient's body to heal and restore harmony to the person’s emotional and physical body.

Παρασκευή 25 Οκτωβρίου 2013


«Π.Ε.Σ.Ρ.» συγκαλεί Τακτική Γενική Συνέλευση των Μελών του Σωματείου και εκλογές του 5/μελούς Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου, της 3/μελούς Εξελεγκτικής Επιτροπής και του 3/μελούς Πειθαρχικού Συμβουλίου του Σωματείου. στις 9 Νοεμβρίου 2013, ημέρα Σάββατο και ώρα 15.00 μ.μ. στα γραφεία του Σωματείου, Σπαθάρη 2& Χρυσοπόλεως, Πολύγωνο

Τετάρτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2013

RiEN 9th European conference - The Brain

See you in Madeira, May 2014.

Vera Krijn - USA “Conditioned Response Reflexology”
Helga Dittman – Germany "Emotional Reflexology”
Barbara Scott – UK “Affect of stress on fertility”
Heinrike Bergmans – Belgium “Foetal imprint, child and a...
dult expression”
Arve Fahlvik - Norway “Anxiety and the leg”
Tracey Smith - UK “MRI study”
Griet Rondel - Belgium “Nerve Reflexology and Fibromyalgia”
Audrey Scully - UK “Chi Reflexology”
Carol Samuels - UK “The effects of reflexology compared to TENS”
Sally Kay - UK “Reflexology for the management of lymphodoema”

Speakers are subject to change.
Workshop program to be announced.

Τρίτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2013

ΣΕΡ Διαδραστικό σεμινάριο με θέμα την "Εμμηνόπαυση".

Σ.Ε.Ρ 1992
RFLX NEW-II             
Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι
Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι την Κυριακή 3 Νοεμβρίου 2013 και ώρα 18:00 στα γραφεία του Σωματείου Ελλήνων Ρεφλεξολόγων (Σπαθάρη 2 & Χρυσοπόλεως , Πολύγωνο), θα πραγματοποιηθεί διαδραστικό σεμινάριο  με θέμα την "Εμμηνόπαυση". 
Ομιλίτριες θα είναι:
H κα Rosas Isabel (Γυναικολόγος, Μαιευτήρας, Ομοιοπαθητικός) η οποία θα αναπτύξει το ιατρικό σκέλος του θέματος και η κυρία Καψίλη Αφροδίτη (Καθηγήτρια Ρεφλεξολόγιας - Ηλεκτροβελονισμού) η οποία θα αναπτύξει το ρεφλεξολογική προσέγγιση του θέματος. Στη συνέχεια θα ακολουθήσει σχετική συζήτηση.
Το διαδραστικό σεμινάριο μπορούν να το παρακολουθήσουν τα εγγεγραμμένα τακτικά και δόκιμα μέλη του ΣΕΡ.
Με τιμή το ΔΣ του ΣΕΡ.

Παρασκευή 4 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Αγιουρβεδική Ρεφλεξολογία στην Αθήνα!

Το σεμινάριο της κ.Στάθης (Richard Rigby & Sharon Stathis) πραγματοποιήθηκε με μεγάλη επιτυχία στην Αθήνα το προηγούμενο Σ/Κ, αν και δεν είχε την μεγαλύτερη προσέλευση.

Οι συμμετέχοντες ζήτησαν να ξαναέρθει η κ.Στάθης για παρόμοια επίσκεψη κάτι που μάλλον θα γίνει.

Λόγια της Προέδρου του ΣΕΡ, κ. Ευγενία Δούλβαρη "Το ΣΕΡ ευχαριστεί θερμά την Σχολή NΗS και την κ. Άννα Πανταζοπούλου για τη διάθεση του χώρου της σχολής ώστε να γίνει ένα από τα καλύτερα σεμινάρια, αυτό της Αγιουρβέρδικης Ρεφλεξολογίας με την κ.Stathis.
Τον Σπύρο Δημητράκουλα για την πρώτη επαφή κ ουσιαστική μαζί της, την Κυριακή Νομικού για την μετάφραση στο Σεμινάριο, την Ελευθερία Βουτσινά για την εξαιρετική της υποστήριξή , την Λεάνα Κοττάκη για τις μεταφράσεις των κειμένων,την Αιμιλία Ροζάκη που ήταν στα πάντα παρόν!!! Τέλος την ίδια την κ. Στάθης κ τον σύζυγο της Dig ,για την εξαιρετική παρουσίαση της Αγιουρβέδικης Ρεφλεξολογίας. Ήταν συγκλονιστική ,οργανωμένη, ενθουσιώδης, απλά ΥΠΕΡΟΧΗ!!!! Εύχομαι να την έχουμε ξανά κοντά μας."


Alessandra Ambrosio is into foot massage.

I wonder about many things, one is "What is the ratio of men-women reflexologists in Europe and around the world?".
Undoubtedly the women reflexologists are more?

Possibly are male colleagues would enjoy treating the international...
top model, Alessandra Ambrosio?

There is nothing wrong with enjoying your work, but we imagine that we all agree "to keep it, professional".