Τρίτη 16 Ιανουαρίου 2018

10th European Conference of Reflexology in Portugal 2018

Interessieren Sie sich für Reflexologie in der Sportwelt? 25.-27. Mai in Fatima Protugal auf der 10. RiEN-Konferenz Ich werde mit euch erzählen, was ich von der Arbeit mit Star-Athleten wie Alexandros Alvanos gelernt habe.
Ich danke ihm und allen anderen großartigen Athleten für ihr Vertrauen und ihre Unterstützung!
Information / Anmeldung hier http://10theuropeanconferencereflexology.com/
Are you interested in learning about reflexology in the sports world? 25-27 May in Fatima Protugal at the 10th RiEN conference I will share with you what I have learned from working with star athletes like Alexandros Alvanos.
I thank him and all the other great athletes for their trust and support!

Τρίτη 9 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Reflexology Top 10 for 2017

Looking back at 2017 one would say that it is not easy to conclude if 2017 was a good, average or bad year for Reflexology. Yes our method is continuing to be “on the rise” but at a steady pace this year. 
In 2017 we read good publications in the media about it, Holland especially was a surprise this year. We noticed it being utilized more and more and even in new areas, there were also important additions in research which is always good. 
2017 was definitely facial reflexology year, a lot of action in this direction.

Regarding training we noticed in many countries more and better of it but also “downsizing of training” in a few cases. Online training in Reflexology is expanding but this is happening generally in education, sign of the times I suppose. 
Groupon deals almost disappeared, which we approve of, and we also noticed more and more professional Reflexologists around the world, China is definitely still leading the way. This year we read that a report exists about the foot massage market!
There has also been progression in the area of regulation, mostly from the USA but European countries are expected to pick up, hopefully in 2018.

Unfortunately 2017 shall also be remembered as the year “war on cam” began. I am not referring to articles written by scientists or skeptic journalists, these we have gotten used too, I am referring to government policies.

10. Footwear in general and medical footwear, gadjets and other devices, two luxurious cars included were all Reflexology orientated. This is a huge market and one is to question, "Do they believe what they say about the benefits of Reflexology or is it just a sales pitch"? They best footwear to take advantage of Reflexology our your bare feet, use them. They are more economical also.

9. Facial Reflexology got a lot of attention this year around the world. The amount of seminars and approaches, plus the publicity prove this. This is noticeable because after the feet, ear reflexology or hand reflexology for years were more popular. Not this year! It was to be expected, many good reflexologists have been working in this field for quite some years. I expect this field to expand even more. Well done.

8. Plato said that "Only the dead have seen the end of war". Not much has changed from his time, of the lucky ones who survive warfare, many returning home are now mentally challenged and go through posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . The American army is determined to take care of it's soldiers and so are other motivated people. They will utilize CAM modalities if they have too, reflexology included... 

7. Reflexology is off the bench and in the court! 
It's been gaining popularity slowly but more and more by the year. In 2017 we were happily surprised by two examples of athletes, especially because they are high performance athletes. One is Polish voleyball player Anna Werblińska who got treated during the game with ear reflexology. And the other example is that of Hungarian handball player Laszlo Nagy, the latter receives very often and shares his satisfaction on social media regularly. This is one area where Reflexology has not yet established a solid presence, we expect to see more in the future.

6.  War on CAM...

Statistics state that CAM is used mostly in countries of one of two categories,  either countries with very bad economy-poor countries, or countries with booming economy, very good economy, rich countries! It would seem the latter is no longer true. There were very few countries (despite common belief) that offered CAM though their national health system, for Reflexology this was very rare, only a couple of examples existed and under very specific circumstances. These ruling goverments in 2017 decided to cease offering such service through their NHS and in Alberta they cut these services from private insurance also. 
The image is worse for products of homeopathy and Bach remedies. 
At the same time a opioid epidemic has exploded in the western world and it is costing a lot, a lot regarding goverment money and citizens quality of life. With communication and dialogue I am sure a solution can be found. 
...maybe we should call in the army? 

5.  Regarding research one stood out and it was not in Reflexology. In November a paper was published with some great findings leading to groundbreaking results. This research has to do with massage, but one of their findings, the groundbreaking result one, has to do with the approach Eunice Ingham, founder of reflexology called "referall areas" the evolvement of which would be the concept of cross reflexes.
The research was conducted at Coloroda State University and you must read their announcement here
Eunice Ingham was definetely ahead of her time, maybe one day researchers will find something groundbreaking to announce for reflexology?

4. Regarding Reflexology regulation it seems the picture around the Italy (2016).  It seems that the saying "what goes around, comes around is true. Because Reflexology and all other CAM have not proven through research to be of benefit nor have they any proven scientific basis, non medical therapists may practise them. 
world is slowly clearing up. In the US the states of New York, Nebraska, North Carolina and Washington have proceeded in this direction, great news. In some EU countries there have been issues with other professions (physiotherapists and aestheticians) claiming that Reflexology should be practised only by them!

3. Reflexology training for the blind is growing all around the
world! In India exists a Blind football academy where The players will be given vocational skill training in computers and foot reflexology to ensure a parallel source of income when they are not engaged in matched, especially for those who do not end up successfully in pursuing football as a profession”.
The Saint Lucia Blind Welfare Association offered a six-week reflexology training course for six blind and visually impaired women.
In Saudi Arabia  the goverment with private partnership are opening ten reflexology centers for the blind. 
In Borneo the non-governmental organisation Sabah Society for the Blind is running a reflexology center as part of income-generating project.
Alexander Salon has many branches and has also joined hands with a blind school to train 15 blind people on reflexology and it will provide them employment in its own spa and also help them find jobs.

2. Congratulations to Hanne, well done, much respect!
Hanne Marquardt, reflexology pioneer was honored September in Berlin by invitation of German President Steinmeier. She was invited to attend an event in the Berlin Castle. This annual event is arranged once a year to honor German citizens for their accomplishments. Marquardt was honored for her 23 years of social work in Armenia where she had opened a school for Reflexotherapy of the Feet (RTF) in 1993. This was in response to times of great medical and ecological need after Armenia suffered a very heavy earthquake. In addition Hanne was also honored for her 8 years of voluntarily teaching in the then separated East Germany. She traveled to attend the party with Johanna ,her eldest granddaughter, and her 4-months old great granddaughter little Lillie.

Marquardt quoted in the article "I am happy to be here, but I do not care that much about me. It is important to me that this therapy (Reflexology) receives such a special recognition."

1. At No1 is the humble and not so glamorous story of Monica, a South Sudanese refugee who runs five massage and reflexology centres in Kakuma refugee campKakuma, Kenya's second-biggest camp located in the country's northeast near the border with South Sudan, is home to 154,947 refugees - the luckiest of whom may receive massages services alongside counselling sessions. 
Besides taking care of them, she trains them also in these methods making the centre a empowering safe haven.
Monica and her colleagues try to help with emotional problems, stress and muscle tension due to stress. But even more importantly...

"It's all about self-worth. 
To be tended like that shows them 
they are worth being taken care of"

Have a great 2018 everyone!

Σεμινάριο Ρεφλεξολογίας Ηράκλειο Κρήτη

Το Κε.Δι.Bι. Μ 1 ΚΕΠΑΝΣΗ διοργανώνει δύο σεμινάρια Ορθοπεδικής Ρεφλεξολογίας και Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Ιπποκρατικής Μάλαξης στις 29, 30 και 31 Ιανουαρίου με τον Ρεφλεξολόγο κ. Σπύρο Δημητράκουλα.
Δηλώστε συμμετοχή στα (Τ) 2810 263833, 2810 285982 και 2810 263803.
Τα σεμινάρια θα προσδώσουν γνώσεις και επαγγελματικά πλεονεκτήματα στους συμμετέχοντες στον πλέον περιζήτητο τομέα της Ρεφλεξολογίας.
Η Ιπποκρατική Ανάτριψη/ Μάλαξη στο σύνολο της αποτελεί ένα ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα το οποίο θα προσδώσει στους συμμετέχοντες, νέες γνώσεις οι οποίες θα συμπληρώσουν τις ήδη υπάρχουσες για τους πιο έμπειρους. Ενώ, για τους νεότερους θα αποτελέσει μία ιδανική εισαγωγή στον κόσμο των ενεργειακών και συμπληρωματικών θεραπειών.
Το σεμινάριο Ορθοπεδικής Ρεφλαξολογίας είναι μετ’εκπαιδευτικό για ρεφλεξολόγους αλλά είναι κατάλληλο και για δια χειρών θεραπευτές όλων των μεθόδων που επιθυμούν να εμβαθύνουν τις γνώσεις τους προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση.