Κυριακή 29 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Συμπληρωματικές Θεραπείες για Ογκολογικούς ασθενείς: Ρεφλεξολογία και Τεχνικές χαλάρωσης. Μία τυχαιοποιημένη ελεγχόμενη συγκριτική μελέτη.

Χαίρετε και καλές γιορτές να έχουμε.

Θα προχωρήσω στο να επισημάνω διάφορα σημεία της μελέτης που θεωρώ φρόνιμο να γίνει μεταφράζοντας το κείμενο στα ελληνικά.

Από όσο γνωρίζω πρόκειται για την Ρεφλεξολογίας μελέτη με το μεγαλύτερο δείγμα που έχει πραγματοποιηθεί στην Ελλάδα (88 άτομα συμμετείχαν σε ένα διάστημα τριών ετών). σχετικά με τα οφέλη της Ρεφλεξολογίας στην Παρηγορητική φροντίδα.

Αναφέρεται την Ελλάδα από το πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής και το τμήμα



Συμπληρωματικές Θεραπείες για Ογκολογικούς ασθενείς: Ρεφλεξολογία και Τεχνικές χαλάρωσης. Μία τυχαιοποιημένη ελεγχόμενη συγκριτική μελέτη.

Η Ολοκληρωμένη Παρηγορητική Φροντίδα είναι η πληρέστερη θεραπεία ασθενών με καρκίνο που συνδυάζει παρηγορητική φροντίδα και εναλλακτικές / συμπληρωματικές θεραπείες. Θα πρέπει να προσφέρεται σε ασθενείς σε όλα τα στάδια της νόσου και, στα αγαπημένα τους πρόσωπα, κατά τη διάρκεια του πένθους.

Μια άλλη συμπληρωματική θεραπεία που είναι ήπια και ασφαλής για άτομα με σοβαρές παθήσεις και μία από τις πιο δημοφιλής CAM (συμπληρωματικές - εναλλακτικές θεραπείες) για άτομα με καρκίνο είναι η ρεφλεξολογία. μια προτιμώμενη θεραπεία από το 35% των ασθενών με καρκίνο. Η κύρια έμφαση της ρεφλεξολογίας είναι στην αποκατάσταση και διατήρηση της ομοιόστασης, στην χαλάρωση και στην μείωση των συμπτωμάτων του στρες. Οφέλη έχουν επίσης αναφερθεί στην μείωση καταστροφικών συμπτωμάτων καρκίνου όπως δύσπνοια, κόπωση, άγχος, πόνος, ναυτία, εμετός και πιθανώς ενίσχυση της ποιότητας ζωής QoL.

Χρησιμοποιήθηκε ένα δείγμα 88 εξωτερικών ασθενών μονάδας
Παρηγορητικής φροντίδας στην Αττική πιθανόν το Αλεξάνδρας, ίσως στο Αρεταίειο. 
Και στις δύο ομάδες (Ρεφλεξολογίας και Πρακτικές χαλάρωσης) προσφέρθηκαν συνολικά έξι συνεδρίες, μία κάθε εβδομάδα διάρκειας 30'.
Χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος Bayley.

Σχετικά με το πρωτόκολλο ρεφλεξολογίας, όλα τα σημεία πιέζονται ακολουθώντας την μέθοδο Baley ξεκινώντας από το αριστερό πόδι τρείς φορές. Κατά την συνεδρία επιτρέπεται η συνεδρία και εξηγήσεις σε σημεία πίεσης δίδεται αν ζητηθεί.

All reflex points are pressed following the Bayly method starting on the left foot three times. During the session talking is allowed and explanations on pressure points given if required.


Τα ευρήματα αυτής της μελέτης έδειξαν ότι για τους ασθενείς με καρκίνο που λαμβάνουν ολοκληρωμένη παρηγορητική φροντίδα, τόσο η χαλάρωση όσο και η ρεφλεξολογία ήταν αποτελεσματικά στη μείωση του άγχους και της κατάθλιψης. Η ρεφλεξολογία ήταν αποτελεσματική στη βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής QoL. Επιπλέον, η ρεφλεξολογία φαίνεται να είναι πιο αποτελεσματική από τη χαλάρωση στη διαχείριση του πόνου. Φαίνεται ότι αυτές οι ασφαλείς και σχετικά φθηνές τεχνικές θα μπορούσαν να εφαρμοστούν σε ασθενείς με καρκίνο από εξειδικευμένους θεραπευτές, ειδικά σε χώρους παρηγορητικής φροντίδας, ως μέρος της ολοκληρωμένης παρηγορητικής φροντίδας. Απαιτούνται περαιτέρω συγκριτικές μελέτες συμπληρωματικών θεραπειών για τη διεύρυνση και την ενίσχυση των αποτελεσμάτων μας και για ένα ευρύτερο φάσμα αποτελεσματικών, τεκμηριωμένων συμπληρωματικών θεραπειών που θα προσφέρονται σε ασθενείς με καρκίνο.

Έρευνα: Η επίδραση της ρεφλεξολογίας στην δυσκοιλιότητα και ποιότητα ζωής σε ασθενείς με σκλη΄ρυνση κατα πλάκας.

 The effect of foot reflexology on constipation and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis. A randomized controlled trial

Συμπέρασμα: Τα αποτελέσματα αυτής της μελέτης έδειξαν ότι η ρεφλεξολογία των ποδιών, ως αποτελεσματική παρέμβαση μπορεί να είναι χρήσιμη στη διαχείριση της δυσκοιλιότητας σε ασθενείς με ΣΚΠ. Επομένως, αυτή η παρέμβαση μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί ως ασφαλής μέθοδος για τη μείωση της δυσκοιλιότητας σε ασθενείς με σκλήρυνση κατά πλάκας.

Τρίτη 13 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Εκπαίδευση στην Ρεφλεξολόγια

👣 Επαγγελματική Εκπαίδευση στη Ρεφλεξολογία 👣👣👣

✳️ Εκπαιδευτείτε στην πρώτη σχολή που καθιέρωσε τις συμπληρωματικές θεραπείες στην Ελλάδα

✳️ Από έμπειρους και καταξιωμένους καθηγητές 

✳️ Αποκτήστε δίπλωμα αναγνωρισμένο από επαγγελματικά σωματεία σε Ελλάδα και εξωτερικό

✳️ Εξασφαλίστε τη δυνατότητα εργασίας στον τομέα των συμπληρωματικών θεραπειών ακόμα και ως ελεύθερος επαγγελματίας στο δικό σας χώρο.

Το καθημερινό τμήμα συμπληρώθηκε.

Μόνο 2 θέσεις διαθέσιμες στο τμήμα σαββατοκύριακο 

ℹ️ Πληροφορίες και εγγραφές:

☎️ 2109837344 & 2109825025

📌 Έναρξη μαθημάτων: 17 Οκτωβρίου



Παρασκευή 24 Ιουλίου 2020

My interview for Davids Reflexology channel (Part 2)

Spiros talks about how he became a Reflexologist. His Orthopedic Reflexology techniques and why he is against research. ***Warning: Adult language from Spiros at 30 mins and onward.***

Πέμπτη 21 Μαΐου 2020

Who wants their own foot skeleton model?

This this Friday 22 May at 18:00pm EEST (Eastern European Summer Time) from my
hashtagorthopedicreflexology page on Facebook (link) I will be hosting a 1 hour FREE course in hashtagpedesanatomia which is a NEW online training module of OR.
You will need to purchase 1 package of white air dry clay (costs 2-3 euro at supermarket or toy store or hobby store) and (optional) thin wire, or water to glue parts together.
During the shaping forming I will be talking about the Reflexology connections. It will be like being in class. Duration approximately 1 hour.
Canada 10:00am hashtagUK 16:00pm

Friday 22 May 18:00pm EEST (Eastern European Summer Time)

Time converter 

Pedes Anatomia – webinar

Pedes Anatomia is a training module of Orthopedic Reflexology, unique in that the student engages in a 100% hands on learning process through artistic creation of the anatomical parts of the feet. Meaning the intrinsic muscles, ligaments, tendons, arteries, bones and nerves.  The art mediums used may be any of the following:
  • Air drying clay
  • Homemade play dough
  • Commercially sold play-dough
  • Drawing pencils, markers or pens or paints/brushes
Learning anatomy for most is a challenge on its own requiring amounts of energy for memorization; the challenge is greater for parts like the feet and hands that contain many other smaller parts. Yet in many of these cases this is still knowledge based on memory and often fades away over time. There exist three different learning styles, them being visual, auditory and kinesthetic or tactile learning.  Though the statistics vary when we speak about training in general, when it comes to anatomy auditory is at its lowest, visual average and kinesthetic at its prime, something obvious when you think of dissection labs or massage/reflexology/bodywork training.

For more information here

Παρασκευή 24 Απριλίου 2020

The amazing story of Dr. Mahlon Locke #recessionproof

Keeping social distancing while being a reflexologist or other "touch therapist" will be a huge challenge on its own. At the same time an infinite amount of sponsored social media guru's have popped out suggesting they know how we can survive the recession at our feet. Have they been through a similar situation before meaning maintaining social distancing while going through a recession? I do not think so. One man, a charismatic Doctor applying manual techniques to the feet not only flourished during the 1930 recession but also all of his townsmen. He did not apply social distancing of course. Together we will examine how he did it and what principles we can apply to our own reflexology practise. This story was told to me years ago by Tony Porter during his courses in Greece. It helped me back then and has helped me ever since, I am sure it will prove of benefit to everyone. hashtagrecessionproof Hosted by the Reflexology Association of Canada facebook page this Wednesday 29th April 2020.

Πέμπτη 23 Απριλίου 2020

Ρεφλεξολογία για κατοικίδια

Αυτός είναι ο Βάσος, έχει λίγο Καναδέζικο λύκο μέσα του,
όπως και εγώ έχω λίγο Καναδά μέσα μου.

Στα σχόλια θα σας βάλω τον χάρτη για να τον κρατήσετε ή να τον μοιραστείτε. Σε κάθε περίπτωση να τους κάνετε, όπως και στην οικογένεια σας.
Να είστε όλοι καλά. 

Δευτέρα 13 Απριλίου 2020

Reflexology in the near future possibly? A lesson from France.

I remembered that I had seen this in the past when I was preparing my presentation for the ICR conference in S. Africa.
Took me a while to find it again.

Aix-les-Bains is a major French spa town.
The picture was taken at a thermal water spa and is described as a local shower. 

But as you can see in the other pictures there is a lot of manual work applied on the limbs.
Great collection of Mr. Alain Cabello.

The ritual practise of tying the toes and thumbs together after death as per Hinduism. ...and parts of Ireland apparently.

I was watching a video of Sadhguru here , and at 13:30 he got into something interesting.
"The reason they tie the halux toes, and thumbs, after death in Hinduism." 
This is his explanation which I found interesting....

Of course I looked into it more and this is what I found...

1.  Answer from Quora

There are major 5 vayus, namely Prana, Apans,Samana,Udana and Vyana. They all have their allotted tasks in our body. At the time of death once the soul leaves the body, all these pranas leave the body and then the organs fail one by one.
Many times the soul that is scared and does not want to leave the body, tries to re- enter the physical body. When the toes are tied, Apana vayu which normally flows downwards, can no more flow downwards. By this it is made sure thst no attempt of the departed soul can be successful. At the time of Apana vayu too moves upwards.
 2. Death Customs: An Analytical Study of Burial Rites We learn that around the thumbs and big toes are twined one or two white threads tied with fringe or grass. The Kurmi caste also practise the custom of tying the thumb and great toe.
        Before taking the deceased for cremation, the dead body is laid on the floor horizontally and the big toes are tied together. This helps in conjoining of the right and left energy channels, leading to movement of the waves from the body in a circular manner within the body itself. This effects complete restriction on the emission of waves that is based on the residual subtle energy present in the body at the time of death, and the process of spreading of the waves is enhanced. In this state, the flow of waves from both the sides (that is, the left and right) of the dead body is equal. Hence, pressure is exerted on the centre point of the human body (that is, the navel) and the subtle putrefying gases that remain trapped in the voids of the body are forcefully pushed in an upward direction and are expelled through the mouth or through the nose or they stabilise in the hollow of the skull and are expelled in the process of breaking of the skull during cremation.

4. In the book The Popular Religion and Folk-Lore of Northern India we read that in parts of Ireland "a thread is tied around the toe of the corpse, the object apparently being to secure the body and prevent an evil spirit from entering it."

How an early symptom of coronavirus could show up on your feet

From a reflexology view where the lesions show up correlate to respitory and sinus nasal reflexes, solar plexus there also.

The meridans are also worth taking notice.

This finding has not yet officialy been classified as a symtom but in the case it does it will be of much interest for all.

I remember hearing Dr. Bibiana Carasco  describing her teams work in paediatric oncology hospital were at times the reflexologists would observe a new positive reflex and inform the doctors of the patient. At times the doctors would answer that it might be a metastasis they were considering 
in that specific patient.

Full article here.

A team of Spanish experts is investigating after cases showed COVID-19 sufferers could be identified early through lesions to their feet “similar to chickenpox”.
The Spanish General Council of Official Podiatrist Colleges released a statement on Thursday saying several COVID-19 patients had shown lesions to their feet “similar to those of chickenpox or measles”.
The statement read: “Numerous cases are being observed in different countries: Italy, France, Spain… It is a curious finding that started to be spread in the health community yesterday (8th April) primarily between dermatologists and podologists.
“There has been an increasing detection of a symptom in COVID-19 sufferers, especially in children and adolescents, however, it has also been detected in some adults.
“They are purple lesions (very similar to those of chickenpox, measles or chilblains) which usually appear on the toes and normally heal without leaving a mark.

Κυριακή 29 Μαρτίου 2020

ENTREVISTA Spiros Dimitrakoulas “Se o “botão terapêutico” estiver nos pés, um reflexologista o encontrará.”

Se o “botão terapêutico” 

estiver nos pés, 

um reflexologista o encontrará.” 

- Spiros

Interview in Portugese for the newsletter of a great colleague in Portugal 

Raquel Dora Pinho

Conheci Spiros Dimitrakoulas em Setembro de 2019. Participei
no seu curso de Reflexologia Ortopédica na Grécia - foi uma grande 
aprendizagem e um grande inspirador para mim. Vamos ler o que 
Spiros tem para nos dizer? :)

Παρασκευή 27 Μαρτίου 2020

Pulse assesment in Reflexology and some coincidences worth noticing.

Sam Belyea aka The Foot Whisperer recently posted a great video titled Pulse Assessment in Reflexology 

Στα ελληνικά εδώ.

I personally found it very good, laid out well, informative and this information can be applied immediately in our everyday practise if we wish too. Of course as soon as this Covid 19 pandemic and its concequences on our everyday life go away.

Looking at the video I could not but help observe that there is a coincidence here with Nerve Reflexology worth mentioning having to do with some reflexes. 

Sam in the beginning of the video states

"The pulse isn't necessarily similar anatomicaly to the feet, hand, ear and face but we can still use the pulse and the different layers of the pulse to asses somebody's physical constitution and their mental emotional state."

Well I agree we can use it the way he describes if we wish, and in this case of the pulse at hand, it is definetely similar in representation to a sympathetic subdivision of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for blood supply to organs and myoskeletal that Sam suggests. 

And was it not one of Eunice Ingham's favourite sayings 
"circulation is life, stagnation is death".

Getting to the coincidence, where the 3 pulses are placed as reflexes, is where in Nerve Reflexology we find Nerve Reflex points for important parts of the sympathetic subdivision of the autonomic nervous system, but on the PLANTAR aspect of the foot!

As an immediate sidenote, though Sam is on the dorsal of the foot and Nerve reflexology places the reflexes I am discussing on the plantar, take notice that the dorsal plantar artery communicates with the plantar blood supply of the foot through the deep plantar artery, so there is a connection dorsal-plantar.

The parts of the sympathetic system involved are:

  • two celiac ganglia one left and one right
  • the celiac plexus also known as the solar plexus 
  • the superior mesenteric ganglion.
  • the superior mesenteric plexus
  • the inferior mesenteric ganglion
In Nerve reflexology these structures would be evaluated and worked on appropriately whenever inflammation or non efficient circulation is an issue. There are some differences between how Sam breaks down using the three pulses and how its done in Nerve Reflexology but that is getting into detail, not for here. 

Sam has done a great job outlining information on the dorsal pedal artery and how to place our fingers in order to palpate, so you can place your fingers just above or distal to the navicular bone on top of the foot. And of course lots of information on how to evaluate the "three pulses" and utilize this information in your practise. So as you can see in the second picture whatever you feel in the proximal pulse "P" has to do with the lower body (organs and myoskeletal) and so on for the other two pulses.

Liver 3 point in TCM is indicated for

  • Headache, vertigo, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, wry face
  • Depression, pain in the hypochondrium, abdominal distention, hiccup
  • Weakness, numbness and pain of the lower extremities, difficulty in walking
  • Irregular menstruation, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, hernia, enuresis
  • Epilepsy, infantile convulsion
It is the Yuan-Source point of the Liver Meridian and thus of great significance in treating diseases of the internal organs.

In Orthopedic Reflexology the arteries are part of our training, to those who have attended one of our courses or heard us presenting, will remember the inferior extensor retinaculum and how if this is restricted it might in turn affect the dorsal pedal artery which is the extension of the anterior tibial artery. Don't forget the baroreceptor reflex too.  

One important person in the reflexology world to use the pulse was Paul Nogier who gave us the reflex map of the ear with the inverted embryo.
The so-called Nogier reflex or reflex auriculo-cardiac abbreviated RAC or vascular autonomic signal VAS. This phenomenon was first described by Paul Nogier in the 1970s. 
Based on the assumption that most cells of the organism respond to stimuli of the autonomic nervous system, Nogier sought a method that allowed the body’s response to acupuncture-induced measures to be presented. He discovered that by mechanical pressure on certain points on the auricle in his opinion, a cardiovascular reaction took place. 
By developing a “suitable” pressure, it seems to be 
possible for experienced users to feel a change in the patient’s pulse after triggering stimulation on the ear (and later on the body), which felt as if the pulse beating had increased slightly for one to three beats.

I wondered if maybe they were feeling the pulse in a similar fashion as Dr. Paul Nogier.

This was documented in the revisited edition 2014 of Christine Issel's famous book Reflexology Art, Science & History. 

But we are not over yet, fate would have it that Dorthe Krogsgaard & Peter Lund from Touchpoint.dk sent out greetings to all of us but also two tips for this challenging period. The second tip "Chronobiology: Strengthen the Vagus nerve" has to do with pulsing(!!!!). Make sure to read the first tip also.

This is how they describe it themsleves. 

Many of you have heard us explain about the synchronization of body rhythms and its importance for optimal homeodynamics. From complementary physician Christian Larsen in Zurich, Switzerland (www.spiraldynamik.com) we have obtained this little exercise that stimulates the immune system via the vagus nerve:
Find a place where you can be undisturbed for 10 minutes. With your left hand find and feel the pulse on the right wrist. Now synchronize your respiration to you heartbeat, so that both inhalation and exhalation last 5 heartbeats. Shut off all other sensations and thoughts,  nothing exists but heartbeat and breath.
Most people now experience a deep relaxation of both body and soul - and your immune system will be grateful!

As you can see we are all connected, from California to Belgium, to China and France and Egypt, then 
Denmark and  finishing or beginning again in Greece. Part of a continuous cycle we are...
Wishing everyone to be safe keep the spirits up!


Τρίτη 24 Μαρτίου 2020

Announcing the "PRIVATE LESSONS" with Spiros

This Covid 19 virus has definetely affected our lives and has brought immediate changes to the daily routine of everyone.

Because of this change in my life too, and because some people have already expressed the desire for training I have decided to offer  
online "One on One Personal Training".

I am interested in reaching out to fellow colleagues who already have a basic knowlegde and understanding of Reflexology and to offer them 
post graduate training in a wide range of topics alll reflexology related.
Guidance on further training, on professional developement either as a therapist or course provider or educator. 
Coaching and self developement services either on a personal or professional level.
Advice on research.
Resources infinite amount of resources.
Orientation on the basics of reflexology, something that is very much needed today.
Technique supervision, to the point are online tools will fascilitate this.
Reflexology Client medical history enquieries - which questions to ask, how to use the information in reflexology.
Marketing - you know I have tried "standard" stuff, but in the end I found out what it comes down too. this evident because I do not use tools that others use. And what I do seems to be working.

And many many more...

I imagine it is difficult especailly this period to have a clear head and decide what you would like to pursue. The easy way to find out, if you are interested, is to have a talk with me.

Simple and easy, a friendly talk. 
Together we can find out what you need and of course if I am the right person to offer this to you through online one on one training and coaching.

So, above all, be well and safe, practise behaviours that will protect your health and wellbeing during these challenging times. 
If you want to ask a few questions, find out more, just talk and see where it goes, please contact me so as to arrange a initial one on one conversation (no charge) and see how I can be of benefit to you. 
Like you, I am at home and have a lot of free time and very flexible :)

This proposal will be available only until things get back to normal. Hoping this situation lasts only for another month for the good of all of us. 

Our next Orthopedic reflexology course is schedualed for May in Athens and I hope all will settle down and it will go through safely for everyone. 

Before I end this blog I want to say that I have trained high performance athletes to apply self help techniques but to each other also, I have trained inmates in prison, I went to a kindergarden to teach toddlers how to apply techniques through play (part of a antibullying program) and of course I teach courses in classrooms in Greece and around the world, I can do this too!

If you are interested in taking advantage of the time while at home,

investing in personal lessons with Spiros Dimitrakoulas please contact us so as to first discuss topics, goals and practical details.


 Spiros Bodyworx Dimitrakoulas

03 6936163040
30 6936163040