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Τρίτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2024

Is it a reflex area or a reflected area?

The Reflexology Association of California is hosting a webinar by Moss Arnold and Sharon Windle of Chi Medics™

Their topic is I believe a very important one for various different reasons:
Reflexes (Reflection) or Points (Reflexion)?

This is what they write on the registration page
“Reflex points”: Are they points or are they reflexes?

There is increasing mystification in Reflexology by mingling of reflexes and points (physical and energy). Are they reflexes or points? Chi Medics does not mix Reflexes and energy points. We keep them separate and clear. When we are discussing Chi Medics Clinical Reflexology reflexes, we use the term “reflection” and when we discuss energy points we use “reflexion” and so it is clear what we are dealing with and they do not become blurred.

Historically, Eunice Ingham in her teachings handed down to us "reflexes". After the second world war Hanne Marquardt trained with Ingham while visiting the US. Marquardt noticed that Ingham's reflex areas did not comply with human anatomy.

Upon returning to Germany she had decided to advance on this topic and thus created her own charts placing the reflexes more accurately having to do with our human anatomy. Based on similarities of form she noticed on the feet she also changed the horizontal lines, for example the shoulder line and waist lines.

Very charecteristic examples of the differences between a reflex area and a reflection area are, the heart reflex, the liver reflex, the uterus and urinary bladder.

Thus Ingham gave us a chart with reflexes that do not follow an accurate micro reflection of the body on the feet, and Marquardt gave us her charts that reflect analogically the body on the feet.

What do you think? Have you studied those different approaches regarding reflexology maps?

As a side note, especially for those who have trained in Orthopedic Reflexology, Moss and Sharon propose that the front of the body is on the plantar surface of the feet and that the back of the body is projected on the front. This is totally against classic Reflexology reasoning, it is the opposite as most Reflexologists have been trained. Yet, in Chi Medic and a yin/yang approach this stands, it is ortho (correct). Having to do with the myofascial meridians, the theory of continuous bands of fascial tissue spanning across and throughout the body. What Moss suggests is again correct, because the foot has deep and immediate connections with "the deep front line", so it is again orthό.  

For those interested in my courses,
I will be in France teaching on the 19th in the Carcasonne area. 

In November I will be again in Poland. The class there is presented in english and translated consecutive interpreting. Warsaw is a safe and beautiful city. I find it also financially very economic. Maybe you would like to train in Warsaw?

This July 2025 I will be again in London

Hope to see you somewhere! 

Want more to read?

Πέμπτη 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

The Queen with the grandmother hands...

The Queen with the grandmother hands...
Her lady-in-waiting came and said that Her Majesty was coming down the corridor! The door opened and in she walked. After the introductions, we had a little chat and Her Majesty talked to each of my students in turn, which I thought was lovely as it made it a special event for each person.
Then I asked if she would like a reflexology hand massage. Her Majesty agreed and we sat down. I had no idea the importance of my next comments, but I asked if she would mind taking off her white gloves. She did - and all the cameras began to flash!
Whilst massaging her hands, we spoke about reflexology and our respective WIs: Sandringham WI for her. People constantly ask me what she was like, and I can distinctly remember that to me her hands were the hands of a grandmother, with carefully manicured nails, but nothing over the top. Her Majesty stayed over her allocated time with us, and her lady-in-waiting came back three times to hurry her on. I take all of that as a compliment. She also took the aromatherapy oil that I had made for her.
What I had not realised was that apparently The Queen never normally took her gloves off and that day she had shaken 200-300 hands.


Σεμινάριο Sports Massage

Σεμινάριο Βασικές Αρχές Ρεφλεξολογίας

Ένα διήμερο σεμινάριο γεμάτο γνώση για όλους και όσους θέλουν να μάθουν την
Ρεφλεξολογία είτε για αυτοβελτίωση είτε για να την προσθέσουν στις υπάρχουσες δεξιότητες τους!

Το προτείνω επίσης, και στους συναδέλφους που δεν διδάχτηκαν τις αρχές της Eunice Ingham δημιουργού της μεθόδου.
21-22 Σεπτεμβρίου θα πραγματοποιηθεί το σεμινάριο
------- Βασικές Αρχές Ρεφλεξολογίας --------

Βασικές Αρχές της Ρεφλεξολογίας κατά Ingham (ιδρύτριας της μεθόδου)
📅 21 & 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024
✅ Ένα διήμερο σεμινάριο που απευθύνεται κυριολεκτικά σε όλους: Φροντιστές Υγείας, Γονείς, Νοσοκόμες, Φυσιοθεραπευτές, Ιατρούς όλων των ειδικοτήτων, Massage therapist, Δια χειρών θεραπευτές, Αθλητές, προπονητές, γυμναστές
Όσοι ενδιαφέρονται για ήπιες μεθόδους του εναλλακτικού και συμπληρωματικού χώρου.
➡ Δεν προϋποθέτει την γνώση ή την προηγούμενη παρακολούθηση μαθημάτων ανατομίας, φυσιολογίας ή οποιασδήποτε άλλης μεθόδου. Δεν κάνουμε ιατρική, κάνουμε Ρεφλεξολογία.
➡ Με απλό και κατανοητό τρόπο στις δύο ημέρες θα παρουσιαστούν:
🔸 Λίγα και καλά για την ιστορία της ιδρύτριας της μεθόδου Γιουνίς Ίνγκαμ.
🔸 Ο προτεινόμενος μηχανισμός δράσης κατά την Ίνγκαμ όπως διαβάζουμε στα βιβλία της.
🔸 Θα δούμε την βασική τεχνική της εναλλασσόμενης πίεσης.
🔸 Θα χαρτογραφήσουμε μαζί στα πέλματα τις ανακλαστικές ζώνες κατά Ίνγκαμ. Μάλιστα με έναν τρόπο ώστε να μην το ξεχάσετε ποτέ
🔸 Τι είναι τα αντανακλαστικά, και λακωνικά θα πούμε για τον πόνο και το νευρικό σύστημα. Χρήσιμα πράγματα για όλους.
🔸 Ένα πρωτόκολλο Ρεφλεξολογίας συμπληρωματικής αντιμετώπισης του άγχους.
🔸 Η διάσημη και απλή τεχνική “Μεταμορφωτική”
➡ Η Ρεφλεξολογία είναι μία απλή, ακίνδυνη και φυσική μέθοδος ευεξίας με ιδιαίτερο και χαρακτηριστικό στοιχείο την επαφή, το άγγιγμα στα πόδια. Θα κατανοήσουμε τις βασικές αρχές της και θα εξασκηθούμε.
👨‍🏫 Εισηγητής: Σπύρος Δημητράκουλας
🎓 Ο εκπαιδευτικός οργανισμός 𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙩𝙝 𝙎𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 λειτουργεί με άδεια από το 𝚼𝛑𝛐𝛖𝛒𝛄𝛆ί𝛐 𝚷𝛂𝛊𝛅𝛆ί𝛂ς – 𝚬𝚶𝚷𝚷𝚬𝚷 ως 𝚱έ𝛎𝛕𝛒𝛐 𝛅𝛊𝛂 𝚩ί𝛐𝛖 𝚳ά𝛉𝛈𝛔𝛈ς 𝛆𝛑𝛊𝛑έ𝛅𝛐𝛖 𝟐
ℹ️ Πληροφορίες & εγγραφές:
☎️ 2109837344 - 2109825025
📧 info@nhs

Τετάρτη 28 Αυγούστου 2024

On the occasion of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games lets talk about Sports Reflexology

On the occasion of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and after receiving interesting questions from some of you I have taken it upon me to answer these following questions

Was and will there be a Reflexologist at these games as part of the supporting staff to the Olympic athletes?
What does it take to get there?
What are the benefits what are the false expectations?
What does Reflexology have to offer in the world of high performance sports?

Τρίτη 30 Ιουλίου 2024

Pedes Anatomia online training course

Who wants to be creative, and at the same time, kinaesthetically learn feet anatomy that you will remember forever?

The Pedes Anatomia series, for the first time, will be offered for purchase for a limited amount of time. 
Those who purchase this training will have unlimited viewing access through the used platform.

Created in 2020, never before presented, 13 videos covering  the most important foot structures in regards to anatomy, fascia and of course Reflexology. 

Course instructor Spiros Dimitrakoulas
Assistants: Evelina and Eleftheria Dimitrakoula
Total Duration 4 hours 50 minutes

Price: 120 euros (non refundable) 
Facetime meeting with Spiros and Certificate of Achievement are included.
                           Available for sale until the end of August 2024

Payment may be done by Paypal using the following email, or send an email requesting bank details in order to make your deposit. 
Of course contact me for any questions you may have.
After purchase has been completed, links to the video lessons, the textbook and the printable charts will be sent to the recipient of the purchase by email.  

The Pedes Anatomia series is a continuous, professional development (CPD) course. Upon completion of the course (at your own time), and only if you like, we will have a facetime meeting (30'-45') where we will draw together and talk anatomy and reflexology. Imagine an evaluation with an open textbook. The point of this meeting is to make sure you have learned how to learn. 
After this you will eligible to receive a Certificate of Achievement bearing the title 

"Pedes Anatomos" 

(Foot Anatomist). 

To get an idea what its about and how this training is performed, have a look at this taster lesson of the digitti minimi muscle, which has strong reflexology relationships with the arm reflexes.

Important disclaimer: I admit that these videos are not of the best quality (regarding lights,HD cameras) and do not meet the high aesthetic standards of today's market. They were made during lockdown in 2020. Please review critically and wisely the above "taster lesson" I offer you and choose if you want to purchase the whole series or not. 
I remind you the purchase is non refundable.
None the less, with confidence, I state that, the knowledge in anatomy teaching in this follow along kinesthetic environment is of the highest quality, and the Reflexology correlation, characteristic of Orthopedic Reflexology reasoning,  will prove an invaluable asset to any Reflexologist, old or new.

The video lessons are broken down into topics and it is suggested you follow them in the order as follows. 

1.  Practical application of techniques according to Hippocrates Paragraph 17 (Theory)

Duration 17:53

In this very important paragraph, Hippocrates provides simple guidelines on the application of all manual techniques, thumb walking definitely included. This paragraph answers accurately every time the questions “Where should I press?” “How much pressure should I use?” “For how long should I press?”

This specific video will be useful to any hands on (manual) therapist.

2.  Foot skeleton (Theory) Duration 29:20

We are now ready to begin and the first part we will learn are the bones and how they articulate. Eunice Ingham describing how reflexology works in her original books describes the accumulation of uric acid in the joints and arteries and that dissolving these concentrations restore blood circulation at the corresponding area in the body. The breaking of these uric acid concentrations will be accomplished if we know where the joints are and how to move them. In this video I also speak about the physiology of how mobilizing the bones has an affect on the individuals perception of pain by affecting the nervous system, this is PAIN EDUCATION. Also, the intrinsic muscles originate and insert on the bones so in order to create them we must have a good knowledge of them.  (Video lesson and printable charts)

3.    Creating the Bones with our hands using playdoh or drawing them in. 

Duration 33:18 Lecturing on the Cranial nerves and Cranio Sacral reflexology  

Will need: Air dry clay white color

4.      Theory around the ligaments and creating the ligaments. Duration 19:12

      In this lesson Ligaments have two functions and can be grouped into two anatomical categories. One function is that of static stabilizers of joints and the second function is sensory or proprioceptive. The presence of mechanoreceptors implies a sensory role for some ligaments and that this afferent information could regulate the stiffness of the muscles surrounding the joint and improve its stability. So it is of benefit to begin a treatment with mobilizations especially on feet with stiff muscles, thus reflexes, in order to reinforce the central nervous system to relax them. This is a trick to aid us in our work. Of course the mobilizations may be practiced during the treatment and at the end.

      Will need: Air dry clay another color besides white for the ligaments and printable charts with color markers.

5.   Orthopedic Reflexology techniques for the ligaments, mobilizing of the bones  (practical)   Duration 28:45

       Notice: this will be the only hands on demostration of techniques. From the Orthopedic Reflexology repertoire! "A selection of foot ligaments, relative to every Reflexologist!"

In this video I present some manual techniques, low grade mobilizations, thumb walking of course and the Apoxesis techniques (scraping) for these ligaments and their surrounding surfaces.

Third muscle layer – next 3 videos

6.   Flexor Hallucis Brevis Duration 12:11

Lecturing on the significance of this muscle in sports but the elderly also. Special technique to sedate the sympathetic nervous system and tips for when to use this technique.

7.    Adductor Hallucis Duration 13:56 "Lucky number 7"

A very special muscle to use for rehabilitation of the hands fine movement, opposition of the thumb specifically. This muscle has a reflexology connection to the trapezius, is very important and helpful for bunion's, morton's neuroma, tingling of the toes.

8.    Digitti minimi Duration 6:20

This muscle is the reflex area for the muscles of the arm. I also discuss how to work for tendon or ligament issues of the shoulder and arm thinking feet anatomy and a connection with the urinary bladder taught by Anthony Porter.

9.    Second muscle layer and tendons Duration 46:25

This lesson is special for it's association with issues of the all organs. We begin by talking about the tendons in the plantar surface of the foot, with a major focus on the "Master knot of Henry". We highlight Ingham's helper area on the medial lower leg, it's facial connection to the "Deep front line" according to Myers and explain how this area helps in any visceral inflammation the medial knee and much more. I show you the referral area for carpal tunnel issues and some muscles for low back pain. Many techniques are described for these structures. Advice for clawtoes, hammertoes and mallet toes. Connections to respitory muscles.

10.  The arteries veins and nerves of the feet Duration 34:52

We draw in the major arteries and nerves in the feet and make Reflexology correlations to major arteries of the body. Two special nerves on the plantar surface of the foot for any kind of inflammation accrding to osteopathic medicine by Barral. Clear explanation on how to work these two nerves. We learn about the bands of retinacula and how they can disrupt blood supply and the baroreceptor reflex. A lot of information from research is mentioned regarding reflexology and heart/blood pressure research.

11. Plantar interossei Duration 12:40

These muscles are reflexes to important respitory muscles. They play a major role in the configuration of the toes and can be used in toe reading. I explain how. Ever wonder where the midline of the hand and foot are?

12. Abductor hallucis Duration 12:58

We begin with an overview of the tarsal tunnel. We create with playdoh this muscle and in a similar way you can create any other muscle. We will draw this muscle on our feet, something you can do and should for any other muscle or tendon, ligament and so on, for training purposes.

13. Plantar fascia - the aponeurosis Duration 04:30

Why should I work on the plantar fascia, and what's it's connection to the superficial back line and the urinary bladder? Thorough explanation of some usefull techniques.

What else besides the videos is included?

 • The Pedes Anatomia textbook (pdf) where all relevant anatomical information is described and accompanied with anatomy maps.

• The students will receive in pdf format the Pedes Anatomia foot skeleton charts (4) and a graph measurement for them to print out. The charts are to be printed on paper for drawing or practicing. 

  •  Facetime meeting with Spiros and Certificate of Achievement "Pedes anatomos"
These meetings will take place on specific dates proposed by the instructor

General information on Pedes Anatomia

Pedes Anatomia is a training module of Orthopedic Reflexology, unique in that the student engages in a 100% hands on learning process through artistic creation of the anatomical parts of the feet. Meaning the intrinsic muscles, ligaments, tendons, arteries, bones and nerves. The art mediums used may be any of the following:

·         Air drying clay

·         Homemade play dough

·         Commercially sold play-dough

·         Drawing pencils, markers or pens or paints/brushes

Learning anatomy for most is a challenge on its own requiring amounts of energy for memorization; the challenge is greater for parts like the feet and hands that contain many other smaller parts. Yet in many of these cases this is still knowledge based on memory and often fades away over time. There exist three different learning styles, them being visual, auditory and kinesthetic or tactile learning.  Though the statistics vary when we speak about training in general, when it comes to anatomy auditory is at its lowest, visual average and kinesthetic at its prime, something obvious when you think of dissection labs or massage/reflexology/bodywork training. 

But even then, the anatomy of the feet is neglected, possibly due to the many small detailed structures and the four layers of intrinsic muscles. This is evident when one goes through anatomy atlases or sports kinesiology books; in most of them put simply the intrinsic muscles of the feet are absent. This absence is also present in massage, reflexology or other bodywork trainings. And further on this continues in every day practice, think of how many foot problems are diagnosed as “plantar fasciitis”, the answer is most of them.

Pedes Anatomia, is an online training module that combines all three learning styles but engages the student at the comfort of their home and at their free time to emphasize on the kinesthetic and tactile style. This is accomplished by the student turning into an artist forming shaping and eventually creating the anatomical parts he has just watched on the training video and following the directions he has heard.

Incorporating mediums like clay, play dough and drawing the student can now learn by engaging and creating in an artistic, playful and carefree environment something as challenging as feet anatomy. For the brain this procedure will be new and fun, an exploration! There will be creational repetition in order to obtain the desired or satisfactory artistic result on any given anatomical part. And once the student is satisfied with his/her creation the knowledge will have been absorbed and never forgotten, stored in our long term memory because the student created it with their own hands.

This creation will happen through fine movements from our hands intrinsic muscles which in turn will engage the higher brain centers involved in such movements, through art we will be able to express and search our emotions thus engaging our mid brain. Through creative repetition every part will be created better and better engaging autonomic and automated centers like the brain stem and cerebellum. This knowledge eventually will be stored in our hands and in our nervous system for life, creating confidence for life on such a challenging topic.

The average Reflexologist most of the time applies techniques to the feet through projection of an anatomical map of the body on them in a smaller scale of course.  We all began with one map, a basic one and from there on started to learn other maps or systems to project on the feet. A wonderful complement to this traditional training would be to train in Pedes Anatomia because:

·         During the creation of the parts in the training videos I talk extensively about the reflexology correlations to that given part exactly as I do in my three day Orthopedic Reflexology training, something very much appreciated by all participants. So it’s always Reflexology. Also discussed are Chinese meridian associations and above all Hippocratic meridian.

·         Eunice Ingham’s theory of Reflexology effectiveness is based on the breaking down of accumulated uric acid restoring blood flow. From her time a few other theories have surfaced explaining how Reflexology works, for example irritated nerve endings, calcifications of connective tissue, energy etc. Hippocrates introduced science to the art of medicine and we will approach all of these different theories “of action” of Reflexology through the anatomy. Hippocrates contributes to these theories because he gave us specific detailed guidance on the effect manual techniques have on tissues and joints depending on the two variants amount of pressure and time of application. You will learn these guidelines and be in a position to apply them on the tissues of the feet where your reflex charts are projected.

·         You will teach yourself to think and project our reflexology maps on the feet in three dimensions as opposed to one or two dimensions as our charts are usually made.

Because organs and muscles overlap on the body, the same happens on the feet when we project the body on them, after all there are five layers of tissue in the feet! So once the training begins you will start applying techniques varying in depth on any aspect of the foot to reach the reflex of interest.

·         You will teach yourself which of your wonderful techniques to apply depending on the structures you are touching on any given part of the foot, a joint cannot have the same requirements as a muscle or a tendon can it? Once you know what you are touching you will know which techniques are best suited.

·         Though experimenting in my trainings on and off with mediums such as clay and drawing, this course came to life during the Covid-19 lockdown. I did not have my training materials with me at home and due to isolation I could not get them so I had to improvise. Through improvising I discovered I was making art in a way, and through art in this difficult period for all, my feelings surfaced I could express myself; I found a way to heal and support myself.


Pedes Anatomy are Greek words and would translate as follows:

Pedes mean feet, or to stand on ones feet, and lastly but importantly to bind and brace, something you will be doing with your hands, you will be binding creating the structures of the feet.

Anatomia is made up of the words ana- meaning “up” but is also used to show a complete movement from beginning to end, for example inhale-exhale would be respiration, in Greek ana –pnoe.

-tomia means to “cut or incise”

So Pedes Anatomia literally means to cut up or to take apart the feet but also to put the parts together again. So Pedes Anatomia describes the art and science of studying the different parts of the feet through the process of dividing and uniting them. 

Upon successful completion the participants will be described as

Pedes Anatomos – Feet Anatomist an expert in anatomy of the feet.