According to a review published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing several sensory interventions (Reflexology included!!!) appear to have significant effects in patients with dementia.
There were 8 categories of sensory stimulation interventions: music, light therapy, acupressure/reflexology, massage-aromatherapy, and doll therapy/pet therapy/toy therapy, the Sonas program (a multisensory stimulation program involving cognitive, sensory, and social stimulation, including all 5 senses), and Snoezelen therapy.
"It is important that nurses become more aware of the use of sensory stimulation approaches as an integrated part of nursing care since the different sensory stimulation interventions can make a huge difference in a person's life," the authors write. "However, it is important that research on sensory stimulation interventions are of high quality to be able to deliver evidence-based practice within this field."
I stated during my presentation at the recent ICR conference in Sheffield 2015: Since intrinsic muscles are associated with fine movement and with the developement of higher brain centers during developement it is exactly these muscles on which reflexologists work on that have the most potential to alter these brain maps that contain our body image.
It's like formatting your computer, or rebooting your phone.
My presentation titled “Throw away” Energy and Reflexology charts for a while. Let’s have a good look at feet anatomy and the physiology of what we are doing!
by Spiros Dimitrakoulas, Orthopedic Reflexologist (OR)
Here you may find the whole presentation: