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Τρίτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2024

Is it a reflex area or a reflected area?

The Reflexology Association of California is hosting a webinar by Moss Arnold and Sharon Windle of Chi Medics™

Their topic is I believe a very important one for various different reasons:
Reflexes (Reflection) or Points (Reflexion)?

This is what they write on the registration page
“Reflex points”: Are they points or are they reflexes?

There is increasing mystification in Reflexology by mingling of reflexes and points (physical and energy). Are they reflexes or points? Chi Medics does not mix Reflexes and energy points. We keep them separate and clear. When we are discussing Chi Medics Clinical Reflexology reflexes, we use the term “reflection” and when we discuss energy points we use “reflexion” and so it is clear what we are dealing with and they do not become blurred.

Historically, Eunice Ingham in her teachings handed down to us "reflexes". After the second world war Hanne Marquardt trained with Ingham while visiting the US. Marquardt noticed that Ingham's reflex areas did not comply with human anatomy.

Upon returning to Germany she had decided to advance on this topic and thus created her own charts placing the reflexes more accurately having to do with our human anatomy. Based on similarities of form she noticed on the feet she also changed the horizontal lines, for example the shoulder line and waist lines.

Very charecteristic examples of the differences between a reflex area and a reflection area are, the heart reflex, the liver reflex, the uterus and urinary bladder.

Thus Ingham gave us a chart with reflexes that do not follow an accurate micro reflection of the body on the feet, and Marquardt gave us her charts that reflect analogically the body on the feet.

What do you think? Have you studied those different approaches regarding reflexology maps?

As a side note, especially for those who have trained in Orthopedic Reflexology, Moss and Sharon propose that the front of the body is on the plantar surface of the feet and that the back of the body is projected on the front. This is totally against classic Reflexology reasoning, it is the opposite as most Reflexologists have been trained. Yet, in Chi Medic and a yin/yang approach this stands, it is ortho (correct). Having to do with the myofascial meridians, the theory of continuous bands of fascial tissue spanning across and throughout the body. What Moss suggests is again correct, because the foot has deep and immediate connections with "the deep front line", so it is again orthό.  

For those interested in my courses,
I will be in France teaching on the 19th in the Carcasonne area. 

In November I will be again in Poland. The class there is presented in english and translated consecutive interpreting. Warsaw is a safe and beautiful city. I find it also financially very economic. Maybe you would like to train in Warsaw?

This July 2025 I will be again in London

Hope to see you somewhere! 

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