Letter from the Chair
I hope that you have been able to take some time off over the summer and are now rested and up to date. It struck me the other day that I have never looked up the dictionary definition of ‘network’.
Now it may strike you as obvious, to me too, however it’s always interesting to get an ‘official’ definition especially as
RiEN (old site) is a network. The following definition is taken from oxforddictionnaires.com :
noun An arrangement of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines:a spider constructs a complex network of several different kinds of threads a group or system of interconnected people or things:the company has a network of 326 branches a trade network a complex system of railways, roads, or other routes: the railway network a group of people who exchange information and contacts for professional or social purposes:a support network a group of broadcasting stations that connect for the simultaneous broadcast of a programme:[as modifier] :network television a number of interconnected computers, machines, or operations:a computer network
From this we can translate it into the different areas of RiEN: Members of RiEN travelling from different countries to get to the AGM RiEN working with other organisations such as
EFCAM Differences in history and governmental policy of member countries Communicating, sharing and exchanging information at the AGM and ideally the rest of the year. The RiEN Newsletter and website (when up to date!) broadcasting who/what RiEN is and what the latest news is Members connecting with each other via email, Skype and now with the latest mailing system with mail chimp This definition shows that the flow of information is not just one way! A network is a complex ‘being’. In order to improve the flow of information in all directions, more volunteers are required. The end result will be increased communication of knowledge with and by members. Surely this is the way forward for RiEN?!
There are volunteer posts available in several areas! Read the Newsletter for further information. If you feel that there is an area where more work is needed and not being done – why not volunteer! The more hands on deck, the more ground gets covered faster. This reduces frustration and adds to a smooth and efficiently run RiEN. I look forward to hearing from you with your offers to help.
Best wishes Louise Vaughan-Arbuckle
What is Reflexology Research?
Research can mean many things to different people. Often in reflexology books the term is over used and refers to a collection of data. In science it has very clear boundaries. A definition of scientific research is; 'A systematic investogation and collection of data using the most fitting methology, with correct monitoring systems and statistical analysis, the results of which are then peer reviewed and published in a respected journal.' Peer review is an important concept which is critical to the acceptance of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) research. This is the critisim of the work in the planning or publication stage by others of the same status (peers). This is the type of research that a medical doctor would be expecting and would assume they could track down using a reference.
A reference can look like this and again, is very specific: A randomised, controlled trial of the psychological effects of reflexology in early breast cancer. Donald M. Sharp, Mary B. Walker, Amulya Chaturvedi, Sunil Upadhyay, Abdel Hamid, Andrew A. Walker, Julie S. Bateman, fiona Braid, Karen Ellwood, Claire Hebblewhite, Teresa Hope, Michael Lines, Leslie G. Walker. European Journal of cancer. 2010 VOL 46; NUMBER 2, page(s) 312-322
This breaks down so the publication can be found like this: Title of the paper, describing the content of the research - A randomised, controlled trial of the psychological effects of reflexology in early breast cancer Authors – who was involved in the research - Donald M. Sharp, Mary B. Walker, Amulya Chaturvedi, Sunil Upadhyay, Abdel Hamid, Andrew A. Walker, Julie S. Bateman, Fiona Braid, Karen Ellwood, Claire Hebblewhite, Teresa Hope, Michael Lines, Leslie G. Walker. Journal – where the research will be found - European Journal of cancer What year - 2010 What issue and what pages - VOL 46; NUMBER 2, page(s) 312-322 Scientific research references should always have similar content. The research document itself will usually follow a recognisable pattern of construction. Usually below the title, they start with an abstract that is about 300 words, and it describes in short form what the research contains (se schedule on page 2). Sometimes these abstracts can be found on medical search engines on the internet like Pubmed or Science direct (more about these in the next RiEN newsletter) but occasionally these are shortened and you cannot always see the results. Abstracts are useful to see if the research is what you are after but you should always try to read the research before quoting it, because of their size abstracts sometimes miss out important information. Next is the introduction/background, why the research was carried out. Then the methodology or how the research was carried out. This is very important as the key foundation of research is reproduction and reliability. Reproduction: Can a different researcher achieve the same results using the same methods? Reliability: Can the same results be obtained every time? This is actually where we could increase the understanding of research, by repeating some of the research already carried out in other European countries. Finally there will be results and discussion. This is important as the findings of the study are explained here and it is where further research may be discussed. At the very end there should be a list of references used so the research quoted in the publication can be tracked down and read if needed. If you are not using the specific definition of research then please try to use the term s “pilot study” and ‘data collection’ this is a smaller less rigorous type of evidence collection. Abstract (about 300 words) Introduction/background Why the research was carried out Method How the research was carried out Results Findings of the research study Discussion Important for further research References Articles and literature used in the study Read about examples of different types of studies in the next RiEN newsletter. Examples as pilot study, clinical efficacy study, study of mechanisms and user survey.
References – examples of medical search engines:
Mailing of the newsletter
The RiEN newsletter is emailed out to the secretary of the member association for them to circulate to their members. If however, you would like to receive a copy, you'll need to sign up to our mailing list on Mail Chimp to do so just
click here.
Forthcoming events
European Congress for Integrative Medicine 7-8 October, BerlinThe Future of Comprehensive Patient Care
AGM 2012 – Thursday 9th May
The venue is booked for next year and will be taking place at the Auberge de Jeunesse in Echternach, Luxembourg.Who would like to host the 2013 AGM? Offers/suggestions please.
CONSTITUTION This month’s snippet is 3: OBJECTIVES 3.1 To encourage exchange of experiences and ideas between its members
3.2 To stimulate research in the field of reflexology and when appropriate and viable to initiate, support or sponsor research into any and all branches of knowledge which are relevant to the field of Reflexology
3.3 When appropriate to investigate setting guidelines for professional education in reflexology
3.4 To seek influence in the European Parliament on behalf of official recognition of reflexology as a therapy and profession by the governments of the European countries
3.5 To support in an appropriate manner countries setting up and developing reflexology organisations or training establishments for reflexology
3.6 To convene a regular European congress of reflexology
3.7 To publish a register of names and relevant details of all organisations holding membership of RiEN.
3.8 To be a non-profit making organisation, non political and non denominational.
3.9 To explore and discuss the future development of RiEN
We are looking for future articles and photgraphs for our bi-monthly newsletter. If you have reflexology articles or news you would like to share with everyone please send it in a word format to sec.rien@gmail.com. We also need to expand our library of stock photographs to add a bit of colour to our newsletters. If you have photographs that you have taken or paid for the rights to use and would like to share them please send a copy in .jpeg format to sec.rien@gmail.com.
It has become clear to me that EFCAM work very hard and attend a large number of meetings that require their members’ (e.g. RiEN) views beforehand. RiEN needs to reply to EFCAM with an accurate, well thought through and carefully considered viewpoint. So that EFCAM can truly represent RiEN’s position in Europe we need to give complete answers to the items on the various committee agendas. This represents a lot of work, more than one person can handle. More importantly to get a true view of RiEN’s policy, more than one person’s view is required. The outcome of the meeting in Brussels was inconclusive, so I’ll be attending the meeting in December so that RiEN members will have the information required regarding EFCAM membership. On the basis of our continued membership of EFCAM, I feel that it is necessary to have a volunteer to work with me so that we can fully participate in EFCAM and have our voice heard! In other words have our voice heard within EFCAM and Europe! You will be receiving emails from RiEN requesting information for EFCAM, it would be much appreciated if you’d reply as soon as possible.
RiEN BOARD For the clarity of all, here’s who to contact for what:
Louise – chair.rien@gmail.com Co-ordination and stimulation of working Groups AGM/conferences Newsletter EFCAM Review/update the Constitution External comunication representing RiEN
Una – sec.rien@gmail.com Minutes of the AGM and Board meetings Mailing system to members i.e. mail chimp Newsletter
Arve – vicechair.rien@gmail.com Overseeing of website, working with Aliki and Kaja Anneke and
Esther – admin.rien@googlemail.com Passing on of emails to appropriate person for reply Membership enquiries Receiving website updates Collating/chasing articles for the Newsletter
There are other projects in the pipeline such as updating the Constitution. However as we’re sure you agree communication takes precedence, so the website updates and Newsletter come first.
It’s very frustrating for all of us that no changes have been made. We were hoping by now that great leaps and bounds would have taken place, but sadly not. This is mainly due to technical reasons.Members’ part of this is of course to supply their information, photos etc. so that the updates can be done as soon as is technically possible.We also need as many of you have pointed out, need to update the public pages of RiEN.
Newsletter – one person needed to be responsible for putting together the Newsletter. The articles to be published will be sent to you. Starting with the November Newsletter, then January and March.
EFCAM - 1 person required
Website – 3 people required
Copyright © *2011* *RiEN*, All rights reserved.