The following is the full presentation Mrs. Ioanna Ghiatsi gave at the 2011 AGM of the Hellenic Association of Reflexologists. It has been translated and is presented with her permission.Literature study of the relationship of the teeth, as reflective zones, and
the physiological function of the human organs and systems. Presentation of clinical cases.
My name is Joanna Ghiatsi, I am a Dental surgeon and I have recently graduated from the
reflexology class of the school
Natural Health Science.
I am here to present an attempt, concerning indications, that combine teeth as possible
reflexes of human organ and system function.
Let’s make a small historical review regarding people and their teeth.
Mr. Mitsis, in the history of dentistry, goes back through the centuries and millenniums to try to find out how humans dealt with their dental problems. Up to which point would the primitive person suffer from his teeth? There is not sufficient data, the fact that teeth where
among the major organs, not only for mastication, but also for grasping, attacking
and defending, leads to the conclusion that they were exposed to many damages.
On the corpse of the
Neanderthal, teeth were missing and therefore “fatniolysia -
(loss of bone) is observed.
Besides that, primitive man had connected the concept of strength with the presence of
teeth. In some tribes the teeth were kept, after being extracted, because if
they were in the possession of others or the enemy this meant that the
possessor gained the strength of the original owner.
A remarkable dental finding are the writings on a tablet of Assyrian origin (800
- 750 b.c.) that is kept in the British museum. In this document an Assyrian
doctor states:
“The inflammation
wherewith his head, his hands (arms), feet(legs) are inflamed, is due to his
teeth. His teeth must be drawn : it is on this account that he is inflamed ; he
will reduce(it(?)) through internal (channels)(?). Then will all be well…” Translated by Dr. R. Campbell Thompson Examining the Chinese civilization, we see they used acupuncture, to treat tooth pain, and various substances which they usually placed on the nostril and ear of the
opposite side of the pain. Mentioned in various documents is the cauterization of
the chin.
Of course during this historical review, Hippocrates, the father of modern
medicine, could not be left out. Hippocrates formulated medical theories which withstand the deterioration of time. According to Mr. Mitsis in all of the Hippocratic corpus we find dental knowledge. Because Hippocrates paid much attention to diagnosis and pathology of the teeth and gums and generally of the oral cavity, the mouth was the first body part to be examined. He supported that we have to find out from where the illness starts and in which part of the body it appears, and examine the connection of the disease with the various manifestations.
Today of course we know that an inflammation of the teeth will affect the whole body
when left neglected, it is obvious that taking good care of our teeth is
essential in maintaining good function of our organism. But are our teeth “mediators” as reflex points affecting brain centers having to do with systems and organs? In my attempt to find indications to support this I used previous knowledge and research in this specific field and personal observations on a clinical level.The reflexological data I obtained from three different sources:
The teaching manual (3rd volume – 2nd year) of Spiros
Dimitrakoulas and Dimitris Gianniotis, Natural Health Science.2. The most interesting book of Ann Lett “
Reflex Zone Therapy”, where we find a chart depicting the relationship between the teeth and organs and structures in the body of the German
electroacupuncturist Dr. R. Voll. Ann Lett notes that when we have to treat a condition that with the classical reflexology approach does not respond, it is beneficial to refer to the teeth that correspond to that organ or system in need. We look for anything, if a tooth is missing, for dental caries, if the tooth is malpositioned, if
aponeurosis (
Endodontic therapy -root canal treatment) has been done to a tooth, used to buttress a bridge, chipped, broken or filled, if it hurts or if the patient mentions : ”it feels dead” or the patient feels it sensitive to very hot or very cold foods and fluids -
page 209.
3. The well written article of Reflexologist D. Nikoloulias in the Hellenic
Association of Reflexologists magazine
“Enarmonisi”, issue September – November
2009 pg 14. Here we find a third tooth reflex map and a very important observation from the writer: The possibility through further research for the use of a “tooth pressure instrument” in a similar manner reflexologists press on the hands and feet for example a brace or
Masticha gum, an extract of the evergreen tree (Pistacia Lentiscus var. Chia) from the Greek island Chios, that would promote optimal body function.
At this point I would like to mention something that we dentists come against very often in our clinical work, the grinding and clenching of our patients teeth we call “
bruxism”. Recent research has shown that for bruxism, the “order” is given straight from the central nervous system thus consciously uncontrollable by the patient. Very often people understand they do it after we the dentists observe the signs on their teeth. The majority of them do this during the night in their sleep and it is anticipated only by sleeping partners or parents. In dentistry we treat this problem usually by placing
mouthguards to constrict the overpressure of the teeth and the overactive muscles. Characteristic symptoms of these patients are morning headaches, tightness of the jaw bone muscles and a characteristic sound that can be heard when they try to open their mouth and
is called “clenching”. Looking at this problem from a reflexology point of view
we wonder what effect this overpressure will have on the function of organs and
systems, as the force used during bruxism is unconscious and extremely huge.
During the course of my research, in my attempt to find a connection between the teeth and the rest of the body a specific paragraph from the Stomatology book of Mr. Aggelopoulos. “In rare cases it is possible, that the tissues of the mouth will be affected by metastatic tumors from various organs or body areas. Amongst the most common mentioned are lung,breast and large intestine. He continues by observing that most commonly affected is the mandible or lower jaw and more specifically the area of the molars and premolars. If we look at these reflex teeth maps we will see that the mandibular premolars are the reflective teeth for the breasts and the molars
are for the lungs and large intestine. So it seems we have here a very interesting correlation which needs further investigation.
Let’s see some case studies now which were chosen amongst many due to their characteristic and very selective relationship between teeth and diseases presented in them.
She mentions in her medical record breast cancer in her right breast where she
had a mastectomy. The panoramic x-ray relieved a surprise. We notice that there
is a bridge on teeth 45-44-43 due to missing of 44. Underneath 44, there is a
disorder that resembles with a tooth surrounded by a cyst. It is a benign
odontongenic tumor. According to bibliography it appears in a percentage of 60%
in the 2nd and 3rd decade of life and istologically constists of dental
tissues. According to our maps 44 and 45 are reflection points (RP) of the
breast. The compound odontoma, as it is known lies beneath 44.
The patient mentions congenital valvular heart disease and sensitivity in the
pulmonary system. She is not either ever been a smoker. Teeth 18, 28 are
impacted. 18 and 28 are RP of the heart. 15 and 25 are congenitally missing and
14, 24 are twisted and need root canal treatments. 15, 25 are RP of the lungs
and so are 14, 24
He presents with caries but not to a great extent, except from 13, 23 which are
extremely damaged. In a question about his visibility, I made a connection with
13, 23 (RP of the eyes, among others), he answered that he had high myopia
which he had recently fixed by a surgery.
Sudden pain and extreme carious lession of premolar 15, without being a person
with other serious dental problems. In her medical record she mentions that, at
the current time period, she has a problem with the thymus gland, which rarely
causes problems in adults and is considered to be an inactive organ. It is
remarkable that exactly on 15 Dr. Voll gives the RP of the thymus.
She has a benign tumor of adrenal glands. Tooth 12 (lateral incisor), of the
same side, has been endododically treated with repeated failures, it has
mobility and cystic damage. 12 is a RP of the kidneys and the adrenal glands.
She mentions in her medical history sarcoidosis (an autoimmune disease). 36 was
endododically treated but extracted, 46 had also problems. 46 and 36 are RP of
the lungs.
She mentions a serious problem with her eyes without knowing the specific
cause. She had a temporary blindness. The visibility returned after powerful
doses of corticosteroids. The x-ray showed damage on 23 with repeated unsuccessful
treatments and 13 has been extracted.
Medical history with stomach perforation. He has a problem with 35 which is presented as a RP of the stomach. It needed treatment because of
necrosis. The patient did not have similar carious lesions on any other teeth.
The x-ray shows a disorder of the sinus which was proved to be a polyp. She
appears with congenital missing lateral incisors and a remaining deciduous
canine which is decayed. The polyp is situated in the same side with the
deciduous canine. 12, 22 and 23 are RP of the sinus.
Serious problem with large intestine. Tooth 24 (RP of large intestine) had a
root canal treatment, but was still painful. A redo was tried, although the
pain remained. We finally had the tooth extracted and a cyst was relieved that
had not been obvious in the x-ray.
Mentioning asthma incidents. 36 cured, 37 with ruined roots that were
extracted. 47 has been extracted, 46 with resorption (cyst) due to an old
filling. (36, 37, 46, 47 are presented as RP of the lungs).
Both upper and lower molars are decayed, have root canal treatments and crowns.
She appears with chronic respiratory problems (never been a smoker) and also
with problems of the thyroid gland. 16, 17, 26, 27, 36, 37, 46, 47 are RP of
the lungs and the thyroid gland.
Serious problem with the large intestine, she has a large filling on 46 since
early childhood, without similar problems on other teeth. 46 is RP of the large intestine.
She mentions a spinal disc herniation on L4-L5. In our maps, they correspond
with lower molars. We notice that 36 has been divided and the remaining root is
decayed and has a cyst. 37 has been root canal treated, 46 is missing and a
bridge using 36 as an abudment has been placed.
Could the teeth be intermediaries in the mobilization of brain centers having to do with the function of organs and systems? As Mr.Nikoloulias mentions in order to answer this question specialized observation which would be based on
statistical parameters is needed. With the major goal of motivating all of us in taking care of our teeth and the teeth of the people we help and the pursuit of a holistic approach to the resolution of their problems, I promise to continue to observe clinicaly and radiographic signs that connect reflexology to dentistry.
Thank you for your attention!
“What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery (French Pilot, Writer and Author of 'The Little Prince', 1900-1944)
Translation to english: Mirto Chiona, Nurse,Reflexologist
Bet Laz + Aravoniastikia (Dentist), Physiotherapist ,Reflexologist
S.Dimitrakoulas, Reflexologist