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Σάββατο 3 Μαΐου 2014

Reflexology | Alternative Treatments for Mesothelioma Κακόηθες μεσοθηλίωμα υπεζωκότα

Reflexology has long been recognized as one of the most successful forms of complementary therapy. By 1998, the American Cancer Society announced in its monthly journal that about one-third of all cancer patients surveyed were utilizing this ancient therapy, which both patients and practitioners claim promotes relaxation, improves circulation, reduces pain, soothes tired feet, and encourages overall healing.

Research backs up these claims. A study conducted by the East Carolina University School of Nursing noted a significant decrease in anxiety and pain among those stricken with lung and breast cancer who choose reflexology as a complementary treatment. Furthermore, researchers at Michigan State discovered that among women with advanced breast cancer, reflexology has proven to be the most successful complementary therapy when compared with others like guided imagery and reminiscence therapy. Gwen Wyatt, director of the Michigan State study, notes that she and her colleagues will continue with the study of reflexology and cancer patients thanks to a $3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.

In the meantime, reflexology has also proven successful for the relief of post-operative pain for the many mesothelioma cancer patients who undergo surgery for their disease and in palliative care for those in end stages of cancer. The American College of Physicians encourages care givers to learn and use reflexology in their publication entitled "A Home Care Guide for Advanced Cancer" and a study that appeared in England's Nursing Standard journal indicated that advanced cancer patients "relaxed, were comforted, and achieved relief from some of their symptoms" when reflexology was administered to them.

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