Ever wonder what it would look like if physicians and physiothrapists were practicing reflexology? Have a look...
There is possibly only one more such example, that of Hanne Marquardt from Germany. I disagree with the way respected Mrs. Marquardt proceeded in her country. I am speaking of the demarcation she has caused between "medical" and "non medical" reflexologists in Germany.
I will make every effort to contribute in taking reflexology exactly where it deserves to belong.
To everyone!
Reflexology is a therapy with much potential, otherwise I cannot explain how a simple Greek reflexologist can travel to offer a reflexology course in Turkey to a group of excellent 11 physicians and 3 physiotherapists.
I am also very happy that my hypotheses regarding the physiology behind reflexology (Orthopedic reflexology approach) were heard and caused interest, hopefully further in depth examination.
Attending the course were
1 Medical Practitioner
1 Anesthesiology doctor
1 neurology doctor
1 rheumatology doctor-Prof
7 PT&R doctor
3 PT
See you very soon http://www.doktorus.com/ urun/ ortopedik-refleksoloji-kurs u/