Η παγιωμένη τάση στις μέρες μας είναι οι ιστοσελίδες προσφορών. Ονόματα δεν αναφέρω, να γλιτώσω τις μηνύσεις!
Τι είναι?Ιστοσελίδες με εγγεγραμμένα μέλη ή όχι (κατέχουν λίστες με χιλιάδες e-mail) που προσφέρουν την ευκαιρία της ημέρας. Το μοντέλο του βασίζεται στη δύναμη της μαζικής αγοράς.
Για παράδειγμα, ένα spa στην Κηφισιά πουλάει ένα μασάζ κανονικά, για 100 - 120 ευρώ, μέσω της ιστοσελίδας, το αγοράζει ο πελάτης (μέσω ηλεκτρονικού κουπονιού) για 25 ευρώ!
Από αυτά τα 25 ευρώ βγάζουμε 23% ΦΠΑ, 30% - 40% παίρνει η ιστοσελίδα (όταν εξαργυρωθεί το κουπόνι εάν δεν εξαργυρωθεί, κρατάει όλο το ποσό η ιστοσελίδα) και μένει το υπόλοιπο για το spa ή τον επαγγλεματία. Δηλαδή περίπου 10 ευρώ!!!
Από ερωτήσεις μου, σε συναδέλφους που το επιχείρησαν, στο γιατί προχώρησαν σε αυτή την ενέργεια, μου απάντησαν για ρευστότητα χρημάτων και εύρεση καινούριων πελατών.
Για τους πελάτες είναι τέλεια, ειδικά εάν λάβουν υπηρεσία της αρχικής αξίας, για την ιστοσελίδα δεν το συζητάω, θα πλουτίσουν εν μέσω κρίσης, τους συμφέρει μάλιστα,
να μην πηγαίνουν οι πελάτες να εξαργυρώσουν το κουπόνι, και έτσι κρατάνε όλα τα χρήματα!
Ο επαγγελματίας?Ρευστότητα? Ποια, αυτή των 10 ευρώ και στην Ρεφλεξολογία έχω δει/εκτιμήσει των 4 ευρώ? Τότε συνάδελφοι είστε σε λάθος δρόμο εδώ και καιρό, καλύτερα να ζητήσετε βοήθεια, κάτι δεν κάνατε/κάνετε καλά!!!
Εύρεση καινούριων πελατών? Ποιών, αυτών που θα πάνε να αγοράσουν την επόμενη προσφορά/κουπόνι, και καλά θα κάνουν!
Τι νομίζετε, ότι όταν αγόρασε κάποιος από ένα spa, μασάζ για 25 ευρώ θα έρθει σε 15-20 μέρες να αγοράσει το ίδιο για 120 ευρώ?
Μπορεί και να έρθει, εάν αξίζει τα λεφτά της η συνεδρία, αλλά εάν είσαι σαν το φίλο μου στην βόρεια Ελλάδα που πούλησε 957 κουπόνια μασάζ, μάλλον θα έχεις καεί μέχρι να τα κάνεις!
Θέλεις 120 μέρες να κάνεις όλα τα 957 κουπόνια, κάνοντας 8 συνεδρίες την ημέρα!!!!
Και καρέκλα του μασάζ θα καιγόταν σε αυτούς τους ρυθμούς!
Σκεφτείτε παρακαλώ το κακό που κάνετε στον κλάδο μας, όχι μόνο στον εαυτό σας μακροπρόθεσμα, εμείς δουλεύουμε χειρωνακτικά.
Υπάρχουν και σχολές - εκπαιδευτές που συνεργάζονται με αυτές τις ιστοσελίδες, περιμένω τα δίδακτρα που θα ζητήσουν του χρόνου, να είναι ανάλογα! Δηλαδή να κάνουν 70%-90% έκπτωση στα δίδακτρα Ρεφλεξολογίας - Μασάζ!Μία συμβουλή: μην συγκεντρώνεστε μόνο στο να βρείτε καινούριους πελάτες, συγκεντρωθείτε και στο να διατηρήσετε αυτούς που έχετε - εάν δεν αγόρασαν Ρεφλεξολογία για 9-11 ευρώ!
Διαβάστε και ένα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο από την Linda ChollarA recent poll of 800 wellness providers showed that 40% said their client numbers have stayed consistent or have improved in the current economy. What could they be doing ‘different’ than the 60% who said their business had reduced or halted?
A common opinion was that getting new business was more difficult than keeping existing business. In any economy, it’s always good business to focus on cultivating those clients already in your flock. How do successful therapists keep the numbers consistent and maintain a strong business? As you continue your efforts at finding New Clients, now might be a good time to focus more on retaining Current Clients. Is there a proven formula?
NEW CLIENTS: Give-to-Get
While you strive to draw new clients into your practice, consider that the average consumer hesitates to try something new when money is tight. They make spending choices based on perceived value and familiarity (the know, like, trust factor).
How can you establish personal value and reduce the risks a potential client feels about trying something new and paying for your service? One strategy is to provide ‘samples’. If you like a sample of something, you are more likely to purchase the entire product. If you can smell it, taste it or feel it first, the risk factor to buying whatever it is will be greatly reduced.
Use this consumer psychology and explore ways to let potential clients sample your work. Giving a 10-minute sample of your service can validate the value of your service and reduce their concerns about booking for an entire hour.
Brainstorm ways to get in front of your ideal target market, and offer a sample touch. Note the difference between offering a free service vs. a sampling, which implies there is more. ‘Sell the sizzle’ and give them a juicy taste of why they would want more (what’s-in-it-for-them). Then book them on the spot!
Quality of Work: Give Results & Solutions
The most basic of concepts is to provide hands-on service that provides a solution to client needs. Beyond therapeutic techniques, this includes tailoring sessions, offering specialized treatments, a broader menu of services and consistent results. Providing quality in your work sets your business apart and builds the know-like-trust factor that attracts new clients.
One major key to retaining clients is through educating them about their bodies. The more they perceive you as a valuable resource, the more they will want to return. Most people admit they ignore their bodies a lot of the time. Take the opportunity to teach clients about posture, ergonomics, about foot-care and topics that relate to their personal health challenges. An educated client will reschedule more frequently. Use creative strategies to educate your clients: health-tip-handouts to address their specific needs and promote your niche service; newsletters with valuable articles or websites; a library of reference books.
Rescheduling and Follow-Up
This is the number one mistake most therapists make – not re-booking a client before they leave the office. Clients are used to setting their next appointments with most health providers. Assume they wish to re-book and encourage pre-booking wellness ‘packages’. Each client has an optimum formula of frequency that works best for their body. Help them get in touch with this by talking about their desired results.
With “consistency” of care, benefits cumulate and long-term resolve can occur. Help clients understand that it is best to come regularly versus once a year for 3 sessions in a row. Your passion to help them get results will motivate them to book consistently and will keep your schedule full.
Why don’t clients re-book? Reasons vary: lack of perceived value, unrealistic expectations, , the therapy did not provide results, not ready or willing to invest time, money or commitment, not your ideal client or a personal match, only wanted a one-time session, schedule issues or simply not aware of the benefits of your service. Take responsibility to improve your re-scheduling rate. Where can you tighten the ship? Are you giving value, quality and results?
Have a follow-up system in place. If they did not reschedule, stay in touch. Remember, better to use time and resources to retain clients versus finding new clients. Make it easy to reschedule with you: affordable packages, online booking, frequent flyer savings, follow-up phone calls to re-book, special offers for the second visit. If you were your client, what would it take to get you back?
BOTTOM LINE: Consistency
Building a consistent and loyal clientele in a service-oriented business does have a proven formula:
Focus more of your marketing efforts on existing clientele
Give more than expected to create value and trust
Develop heart-centered relationships
Offer more service choices & packages to keep a full schedule
Rechedule: Make it easy and desirable
FollowUp: have a system for immediate & future followup
Cultivate your ideal client - one who will follow you anywhere because you provide solutions. Seek clients who perceive your service not as a luxury, but as a resource for feeling better, living pain free and staying healthy.
As wellness entrepreneurs, if we believe that our clients need consistency in caring for their health and healing, then we must likewise be consistent in creating the space for them and our business to flourish. The ultimate reward is healthy clients and a healthy business!
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Author: Linda Chollar, Business Coach, Helping Reflexology-preneurs Create Their Ideal Business for More Clients, More Money. FREE Success Kit for Reflexologists: www.ReflexologyMentor.com